To consider revisions to the Council’s approach to the management of health and safety at work and the Safety Advisory Group.
Contact: C Stopford 388280
i. Agrees the establishment of a Corporate Health and Safety Board to take responsibility for ensuring the arrangements for corporate health and safety are appropriate and effective and that the Corporate Health and Safety Board is provided with overview by the Employment Committee, and
ii. That the existing Safety Advisory Group be abolished.
The Cabinet considered a report by the Head of Community (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) regarding the Council’s new approach to the management of health and safety at work.
Following the review of the Constitution, the Council had revised its existing arrangements for the management of its health and safety obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and considered that the existing processes could be improved.
It was proposed that the Safety Advisory Group and service area specific activities be combined to a single Corporate Health and Safety Board, made up of representatives of employees, senior management and Staff Council. In addition to the Corporate Health and Safety Board oversight of the Council’s activities would be provided by the Council’s Employment Committee.
Having considered the recommendations, the Cabinet,
i. to agree the establishment of a Corporate Health and Safety Board to take responsibility for ensuring the arrangements for corporate health and safety are appropriate and effective and that the Corporate Health and Safety Board is provided with overview by the Employment Committee, and
ii. that the existing Safety Advisory Group be abolished.