To consider a report in relation to the appointment/nomination of representatives to serve on a variety of organisations.
Contact: M Sage 388169
Additional documents:
i. nominates to the organisations and partnerships referred to in Appendix 1, as amended and circulated prior to the meeting;
ii. agree to not appoint representatives to those organisations/partnerships as indicated in Appendix 1;
iii. that appointed Members be required to report on a quarterly basis, in writing, to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel; and
iv. in the event that changes or new appointments are required to the District Council’s representation during the course of the year, the Corporate Team Manager be delegated, after consultation with the Deputy Executive Leader, to nominate and authorise alternative representatives as necessary.
Consideration was given to a report by the Democratic Services Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) regarding the Council’s representation on a variety of organisations/partnerships.
A review of the organisations and partnerships had been undertaken and the consultation responses were attached as Appendix 2 of the report. Following the review those that the Cabinet were requested to no longer appoint to were indicated as ‘Do Not Appoint’ on the schedule attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
Appendix 1 of the report had been amended to that published in the Agenda and circulated to the Cabinet prior to the meeting, to include the proposed District Councillor names for 2016/17.
To improve the monitoring of how the organisations and partnerships contributed to the Council and its Corporate Objectives it was proposed that appointed Members be required to report on a quarterly basis, in writing, to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel. This would enable Members to provide an update about the respective organisation/partnership.
In response to a question it was confirmed that the Council still required a District Councillor presence on the Local Water Forum.
Having considered the schedule of organisations/partnerships and commended the thorough review that had been undertaken, the Cabinet
i. to nominate to the organisations and partnerships referred to in Appendix 1, as amended and circulated prior to the meeting;
ii. to agree to not appoint representatives to those organisations/partnerships as indicated in Appendix 1;
iii. that appointed Members be required to report on a quarterly basis, in writing, to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel; and
iv. in the event that changes or new appointments are required to the District Council’s representation during the course of the year, the Corporate Team Manager be delegated, after consultation with the Deputy Executive Leader, to nominate and authorise alternative representatives as necessary.