To approve the re-alignment of street cleansing service delivery arrangements.
Contact: M Chudley 388648
That the Cabinet endorse the proposed re-alignments of street cleansing service delivery arrangements as detailed within the submitted report.
The Cabinet considered a report by the Operations Manager, presented in his absence by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which provided an update on the street cleansing functions and outlined proposals to realign the service delivery arrangements, following the operation of the Service Specification for Street Cleansing, approved by the Cabinet on 21 January 2016 (Minute No. 75 refers).
In response to a question regarding the efficiency of the Highways Team taking responsibility for the cleansing of laybys, arterial routes and the A1/A14, it was explained that relations between the District and County Councils were improving to ensure that street cleansing work was completed simultaneously, for a more satisfactory outcome.
It was noted that the litter on the verges of the A1/A14 did not provide a good impression for people visiting the district and as a significant proportion was from fast food outlets it was enquired whether there was any obligation that the Council could impose on the fast food outlets to litter pick. It was explained that Government guidance had been revised as previously a fast food outlet could be enforced to clean up within 150 metres of its premises boundary.
It was noted that pre-printed forms were available for Councillors to report any witnessed incidents of littering from vehicles.
Referring to the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny (Communities and Environment) Panel it was reported that the incidences of streets where gullies could not be cleansed due to parked cars related to Longsands in St Neots and this had since been actioned.
The issue of flyposting was an ongoing issue particularly in St Neots and the Council would remove graffiti and flyposting if it was offensive or on a public building.
The Cabinet concurred with the view of the Panel that greater education was required in order to tackle the culture of littering as providing additional litter bins was not the solution. A high profile campaign was intended to be discussed at a future date.
In echoing the sentiments of the Panel in congratulating the Street Cleaning Team Staff for their commitment, the Cabinet
to endorse the proposed re-alignments of street cleansing service delivery arrangements as detailed within the submitted report.
The Panel is to receive an implementation update on the Street Cleansing Service Specification.
Contact: N Sloper 388635
With the aid of a report by the Operations Manager (Environmental Services) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Street Cleansing Service Specification Implementation Update was presented to the Panel.
Members were reminded that the Street Cleansing Service Specification was previously scrutinised by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Growth) and the report highlights how the service is performing. The update report will be presented to the Panel each year.
The Panel was informed that the service is not cleansing the A1/A14 corridor but is however cleansing the slip roads. The Council have made the decision as the road would have to be closed for the safety of staff. Any closure would have to occur at night at a cost of £20k per night and the staff resources would be taken from the day shift.
Members were informed that the metal bins are to be replaced with plastic bins and the Council are looking at getting all the bins from the same company so that replacements can be standardised.
Another development is the creation of a team who will work on ad-hoc issues and respond to customer complaints.
A question was raised in regards to Church Street, St Ives where the leaves fall but can’t be swept as there is parking around the clock. In response Members were informed that the Council can work with the County Council to close the road in order to sweep it even if it might be through the use of a dust pan and brush.
In response to a question regarding whether it was the Highways Agency’s responsibility to cleansing the A1/A14, the Panel were told that it was not, however the Council would have to go through the Highways Agency in order to closed the road as otherwise it would not be safe for staff to work.
The new street cleansing employee in St Neots was complimented by a Member, especially his willingness to take down fly posters. In response to the question could fly posters could be taken off street furniture, the Panel were informed that they couldn’t as the street furniture are County Council assets and therefore it is their responsibility for removing the fly posters and graffiti off their buildings and assets.
Following a conversation in regards to the removal of fly posters and graffiti from County Council assets, the Council would remove them so long as the County Council issue a statement to state that the Council are allowed to remove them and issue a wavier on any damage caused by the removal.
A conversation ensued about the need for more bins to be installed however the majority of the Panel agreed that more education is the key. The Executive Councillor for Environment, Street Scene and Operations stated that one of the campaigns the service is planning to carry out focuses on litter.
In response to a question regarding A boards outside of shops, Members were told that it was a planning issue and ... view the full minutes text for item 47