To consider a report on the contractual arrangements and potential improvement programme at Hinchingbrooke Country Park.
Contact: N Sloper 388635
Prior to the consideration of the item of business Councillor S Criswell declared a non-statutory disclosable interest by virtue of being a Cambridgeshire County Councillor.
The Cabinet gave consideration to an exempt report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) regarding the contractual arrangements and potential improvement programme at Hinchingbrooke Park, as detailed within the submitted report.
Having been invited to address the Cabinet, the Chairman of Hinchingbrooke Country Park Joint Group, Councillor R West explained that the Group acknowledged that the Park was much more than a community asset – it was a prime green space that included a significant area of biodiversity that required sensitive management and protection, as well as providing a variety of recreational and nature conservation activities. It was further explained that as a registered charity the support of the Friends of Hinchingbrooke Country Park was vital as they were able to access grants for various projects to improve facilities throughout the Park.
The Hinchingbrooke Country Park Joint Group had discussed the report at their meeting on 14 October 2016 (Minute No. 6 refers) and their comments were included within the report to the Cabinet including additional recommendations.
In addition to the significant revenue burden that the District Council incurred for the maintenance of the Park, the Council also invested considerable Officer time and effort in ensuring the Park continued to operate as a success.
In noting the contractual arrangements in place and their implications, and having considered the comments of both the Hinchingbrooke Country Park Joint Group and the Overview and Scrutiny (Communities and Customers) Panel, the Cabinet endorsed the recommendations as contained within the exempt report, as amended including the recommendations by the Group, whereupon the Cabinet (Councillor S Criswell having abstained from the vote)
to endorse the recommendations as contained within the submitted exempt report, including the additional recommendations to the Cabinet.
The Contractual Arrangements and Potential Improvement Programme of Hinchingbrooke Country Park is to be presented to the Panel.
Contact: N Sloper 388635
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Operations on the Contractual Arrangements and potential Improvement Programme of Hinchingbrooke Country Park. The Panel agreed that the Country Park is a good facility and that a series of improvement works would increase the recreational value of the Park. In addition, Members agreed that the improvement programme can only be implemented so long as the contractual arrangements have been finalised.
In order to assist with the Council’s contractual negotiations with Cambridgeshire County Council, the Panel agreed to recommend to Cabinet a further point.
(At 9.20pm, during the consideration of this item, Councillor B S Chapman left the meeting and did not return.)