To adopt a Local Lettings Plan for the initial letting of 51 affordable rented properties on the Bearscroft Farm development site.
Contact: J Collen 388220
Additional documents:
i. That the Cabinet adopt the Local Lettings Plan for rented properties being built by Cross Keys Homes at the Bearscroft Farm development, Godmanchester; and
ii. That a review report is presented to the Cabinet in twelve months’ time.
By way of a report (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) presented by the Executive Councillor for Housing and Regulatory Services, the Cabinet received a Local Lettings Plan for adoption for the initial letting of 51 affordable rented properties on Bearscroft Farm development site, Godmanchester.
The Council’s Lettings Policy provided the legal framework as to who might be accepted onto the Council’s Housing Register and how those households were prioritised for available socially rented housing within the District.
Local Lettings Plans were able to be adopted as an Appendix to the Lettings Policy as a means of varying the Lettings Scheme to create more mixed communities by setting aside a proportion of vacancies for applicants who were in employment and were often used on the initial lettings on new build estates.
A Local Lettings Plan had been developed, which followed good practice guidelines and aimed to create a balanced and mixed community within the socially rented new build properties on the Bearscroft Farm development site, Godmanchester.
The Cabinet were referred to paragraph 2.2 of the submitted report which detailed the allocation of the affordable dwellings to Bands A, B and C. The 51 affordable rented properties being delivered on the site would initially be apportioned equally between households in the various priority bands on the Housing Register, the shortlisting for properties would ensure that properties were apportioned between households both in and out of employment. Any subsequent letting of the properties would accord with the Lettings Policy at that time.
The Cabinet were supportive of the new Plan and for it to be established with future developments. In response to a question it was explained that the Local Lettings Plan and the Policy was unable to provide for people who had specific links to a respective area. However, was a consideration for developments on exception sites. A concern was expressed that the Plan could lead to legal challenge or perceived impartiality. However, the Plan had been developed following good practice guidelines and was a transparent document delivered by one registered provider.
Having considered the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Customers) which had been circulated to the Cabinet separate to the agenda, the Panel meeting having occurred following the agenda publication, where it was noted that the Panel along with Godmanchester Town Council were supportive of the Plan, the Cabinet requested that a review report be presented in twelve months’ time, given that this was the first Plan to be adopted by the Council. In conclusion is was
i. that the Cabinet adopt the Local Lettings Plan for rented properties being built by Cross Keys Homes at the Bearscroft Farm development, Godmanchester; and
ii. that a review report is presented to the Cabinet in twelve months’ time.
The Panel are to consider the Local Lettings Plan for Bearscroft Farm.
Contact: J Collen 388220
Additional documents:
With the aid of a report by the Head of Customer Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Local Lettings Plan for Bearscroft Farm, Godmanchester was presented to the Panel. Members were informed that Cross Keys are developing 51 affordable homes on the site and that 8 homes are currently being delivered. The affordable housing will be dispersed across in four clusters across the site.
The Executive Councillor for Housing and Regulatory Services added that the aim of the Local Lettings Plan is to deliver a mixed, more cohesive community. The Panel was informed that future lettings on other sites will be conducted using the Lettings Policy however Local Lettings Plans will be considered if it is deemed to provide a benefit.
When asked how the scheme would be viewed, the Panel was informed that the Council believe that the scheme will be viewed positively. The Council has recognised that previous lettings on larger site have not worked as well as anticipated.
It was iterated to Members that the site is not a local exception site and that there isn’t provision for local residents to Godmanchester.
The Local Lettings Plan and what it means in terms of the Council’s Lettings Policy was explained to the Panel. The Lettings Policy prioritises people in Band A over people in Band B and C however the Local Lettings Plan applies to this particular site and has its own priorities to enable a good mixture of people rather than a larger concentration of unemployed or vulnerable people in one area.
When asked if the Plan is a change of policy, Members were informed that the Plan is an appendix to the policy that applies to Bearscroft Farm only.
A Member asked if the Lettings Policy could be amended to reflect the Local Lettings Plan, however the Panel was informed that although Local Lettings Plans would be considered for larger sites, the Lettings Policy won’t be amended as it complies with legislation and that to amend the policy to reflect the approach taken in the Local Lettings Plan would be difficult.
The Panel supported the Local Lettings Plan and recognised the benefit in assisting the creation of communities. However the Chairman raised a concern that there may be some residents who may feel that the Plan is not fair and would attempt to challenge it.
(At 7.36pm, during the discussion of this item, Councillor D Brown left the meeting and did not return.)