30 Waste and Recycling Round Reconfiguration PDF 577 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Operations summarising the recent round reconfiguration.
(Executive Councillor: Cllr J White)
Contact: N Sloper 388635
That the implementation report and lessons learnt be received and noted.
That the Cabinet and relevant Officers be requested to undertake further investigation into potential savings opportunities relating to the scheduling of the green bin waste collections.
By means of a report by the Head of Operations appended to which were The Waste and Recycling Reconfiguration Project Milestones, the Communications Plan, The Customer Services Contact Report and the Missed Bins by Month (copies of which are appended in the Minute Book), the Cabinet was updated on the progress of the waste and recycling round reconfiguration. Executive Councillors had been informed that lessons had been learnt from the project and that a more robust middle management approach had been adopted as a result. The Cabinet was advised that the expected savings for 2017/18 were anticipated to be less than projected due to the need for transitional resources to support the significant change. Executive Councillors were interested to further explore further saving opportunities highlighted in the report relating to a seasonal approach to green bin collections and suggested that any further changes needed to meet expectations and level of service but maintain best value for the Council.
a) that the implementation report on the Waste and Recycling Round Reconfiguration and lessons learnt be received and noted; and
b) that the Cabinet and relevant Officers be requested to undertake further investigation into potential savings opportunities relating to the scheduling of the green bin waste collections.
The Post-Implementation Review of the Waste Round Reconfiguration and Closure Report is to be presented to the Panel.
Contact: N Sloper 388635
With the aid of a report by Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the post-implementation review of the Waste Round Reconfiguration and closure report was presented to the Panel.
The Executive Councillor for Operations gave Members an update of the Waste Round Reconfiguration. He stated that the drivers had to learn new routes, the change had been difficult but necessary and that he commends the service for the reconfiguration. The Head of Operations added that the service has driver shortages which aren’t to do with the reconfiguration.
The Executive Councillor added that due to the anticipated housing developments, the service will need reviewing annually with changes being made to rounds as required. In addition the data gathered to support the project will be continuously kept up to date.
In response to the question, will the £276k savings target be achieved, Members were informed that the Panel was informed on 10th January 2017 that the service would not make the anticipated £276k savings due to the high recycling rate in the District and would only make £180k savings. The Panel were informed that the savings are to be achieved by reducing the number of refuse vehicles required to collect the residual waste and green waste, therefore reducing the fuel and staffing costs associated with them.
Members were informed that the savings on the green waste collection round will be achieved by scaling back the resources deployed as the volume reduces in winter, therefore meaning that the number of refuse vehicles in use could be reduced during this time period.
A Member mentioned that small number of bins in their ward had been regularly missed during a period of eight weeks. In response, the Member was informed that it has taken the drivers a while to learn the new routes. In addition, the Head of Operations added during future reconfigurations, the service will look to improve communication with the drivers to ensure they understand the new routes.
In response to the question regarding the use of technology to assist the drivers, the Panel was informed that only the rounds are generated using technology and that currently the teams have no in-cab technology. A project is underway to procure in-cab technology in partnership with Cambridgeshire City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.
The Panel commended the staff who supported the reconfiguration project and have asked Cabinet to investigate the potential savings opportunities with the green bin waste collections.
(At 9.21pm, during the discussion of this item, Councillor J W Davies left the meeting.)
(At 9.24pm, during the discussion of this item, Councillor J W Davies returned to the meeting.)