34 HOUSING STRATEGY 2020 - 2025 PDF 267 KB
To receive a report by the Interim Corporate Director on the Housing Strategy 2020 - 2025.
Executive Councillor: R Fuller.
Contact: D Edwards - 07768 238708
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has approved the Housing Strategy for 2020-25 and the accompanying one year action plan.
Consideration was given to a report by the Interim Corporate Director (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) setting out the strategic direction for housing in Huntingdonshire in the medium term, highlighting the housing priorities and how they will be achieved by the Council including through partnership working and setting out the short term action plan for the next twelve months.
The Chairman, as Executive Councillor for Housing and Economic Development, reported that the Housing Strategy would cover a 5 year period and that an annual action plan would be produced each year to set out how the priorities within the Strategy would be achieved taking into account current external influences such as COVID-19 and the likelihood of further housing related legislative change. Having been informed of the involvement of Overview and Scrutiny in developing and shaping the Strategy and in welcoming the work undertaken by Mrs L Bisset, Housing Consultant to effectively engage and collaborate with external stakeholders, the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Growth) were noted. Whereupon, it was
that the Housing Strategy for 2020-25 and the accompanying one-year action plan be approved.
Members are to receive the Housing Strategy 2020-2025.
Contact: D Edwards 07768 238708
Additional documents:
The Panel considered a report by the Interim Corporate Director (a copy of which has been appended in the Minute Book) on the Housing Strategy 2020-2025.
The Executive Leader introduced the report and in doing so he stated that he appreciated the input Overview and Scrutiny had during the development of the Housing Strategy and added that he is pleased to see Overview and Scrutiny taking an active role in policy development. He reminded the Panel that the Council was not a stock-owning authority but that the District has significant housing challenges which the Council hopes to address through the Strategy.
Housing Consultant, Liz Bisset, thanked everyone who participated in the consultation and informed Members that generally there has been a positive response to the Strategy.
Reference was made to Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs review, however it was explained to the Panel that Cambridgeshire County Council are responsible for the delivery of the review and a completion date has yet to be finalised.
The ambition of the Housing Strategy 2020-2025 was praised by Councillor Roberts and in addition he stated he supported the aims and objectives of the Action Plan, although he did raise a concern with regards to the proposed reduction in Disabled Facility Grant spending. In response, the Panel was reassured that the reduction in spend would focus on how to best make use of the funding available and achieve better value for money.
Councillor Cooper-Marsh was concerned how residents who are not eligible for a Housing Association property and who do not meet the eligibility criteria for private rented accommodation would be covered by the Strategy. The Panel was reassured that if the Council was to become a landlord of private properties then it could act in a more socially responsible way and could provide accommodation for such residents.
Councillor Dew stated that he thought the Strategy would be useful and will look forward to the Cabinet approving the Strategy and the accompanying one-year action plan. Councillor Corney added that he thought the Strategy is a credit to the Council and that it demonstrated a wiliness to act and tackle the significant housing challenges facing the District.
In seeking reassurance that the Council would not rule out working with local authority partners, Councillor Wakeford and the rest of the Panel was informed that the Strategy does not set out rules but allows the Council to take a more pragmatic approach on who it will work with, depending on the circumstances at the time.
That the Cabinet be recommended to agree the Housing Strategy for 2020-25 and the accompanying one-year action plan.