To receive a report from the Arboricultural Officer on the Huntingdonshire Tree Strategy 2020-2030.
Executive Councillor: J Neish.
Contact: T Miles - 07864 604208
Additional documents:
Cabinet endorsed the Huntingdonshire Tree Strategy 2020-2030 and the proposed 10 year action plan.
Consideration was given to a report by the Arboricultural Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) to which was appended a draft Huntingdonshire Tree Strategy and Action Plan for 2020-2030 for endorsement.
By way of introduction, the Deputy Executive Leader and Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning outlined the background to the development of the new Strategy, which had been formulated in collaboration with a Councillor working group to ensure that there was a clear direction for arboricultural management across all Council services. It was also explained that the development of the Strategy also linked with a number of other areas of activity - healthy living, open spaces and climate change for example.
Cabinet’s attention was drawn to the vision for the Strategy, which focused on sustainability and creating a legacy of tree establishment and management. Members were also informed that an Action Plan had also been developed to set out the key projects and tasks to be completed over the ten-year lifespan.
In welcoming the development of this Strategy, the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources commented upon the importance being placed by national government on increasing the overall tree coverage for the country with regards to climate change and carbon capture and welcomed efforts to engage with this broader ambition. He also emphasised the need for the actions arising from the Strategy to become embedded in the overall thinking of the District Council.
Having noted the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Customers and Partnerships) and their involvement with the formulation of the Strategy, it was agreed that the Cabinet’s appreciation should be recorded to them for their overall and individual contributions.
Whereupon it was
that the Huntingdonshire Tree Strategy 2020-2030 and the proposed 10-year Action Plan be endorsed by the Cabinet.
The Huntingdonshire Tree Strategy Review is to be presented to the Panel.
Contact: T Miles 07864 604208
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report by the Arboricultural Officer, Ms Tamsin Miles (a copy of which has been appended in the Minute Book) in which the Huntingdonshire Tree Strategy Review was presented to the Panel.
In introducing the report, the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Tree Strategy Working Group, comprising of Councillors Banks, Davies and Tavener, for their input in the development of the Strategy. In addition, the Executive Councillor stated that a significant amount of effort had been expended by Officers in producing the Strategy.
The Panel commended the Tree Strategy and echoed the words of the Executive Councillor. Members thanked Officers and the Overview and Scrutiny Tree Strategy Working Group for their time and effort in conducting the review and producing the updated Tree Strategy.
In discussing the Strategy, Councillor Giles commented that the Strategy did not mention the species Black Poplar, which used to be common in Huntingdonshire. In response, Officers confirmed that the Council was planting Black Poplars. It was suggested that there should be a reference to the Black Poplar within the Strategy.
Although not specifically mentioned by the Tree Strategy, Councillor Davies suggested that when Members were informed of planning applications or decisions it would be beneficial to identify any matters in relation to trees. He added that this would assist Town and Parish Councils when considering planning applications.
Councillor Wilson stated that the Council should focus on acquiring the resources in order to fulfil the aims of the Action Plan. The Panel noted that a number of actions which required grants or other additional resources to be completed. Councillor Wilson further stated that the actions should be prioritised so that the ones deemed most important were completed first.
The Panel commented that the table on page 45 used the old Ward boundaries. It was recommended that the Strategy should be altered to refer to the current the Ward boundaries to ensure it contained up to date information.
Councillor Wilson queried whether the statistics within the Strategy relating to the number of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) issued was a cumulative total. Having noted that it was, it was recommended that the number of TPOs are issued year on year or during a particular 5-year period should be presented. This would give a better reflection how much time and resources were expended per year on the protection and preservation of trees throughout the District.
Councillor Wilson commented that tree planting and the installation of street furniture on new build estates were not planned as effectively as they could be. However, the Panel was informed that the new Urban Design Manual would better address these matters in the future.
Councillor Giles commented that he found the wording on pages 87, 88 and 89 quite negative. It was, however, noted that these pages covered pruning limitations and explained the situations where Huntingdonshire District Council would not prune trees. The Panel
that, subject to the comments outlined above, the Cabinet be ... view the full minutes text for item 22