To receive a report from the Strategic Growth Manager on the Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document: Consultation Draft 2021.
Executive Councillor: J Neish.
Contact: N Elworthy - (01480) 388434
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has approved the Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document: Consultation Draft 2021 for public consultation.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Strategic Growth Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered the content of the Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) seeking its approval for public consultation.
In introducing the report, the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning reported that the SPD had been updated following several changes to national and local policy, including the National Planning Policy Framework, Localism Act and the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036. He then went on to report that the SPD was a material consideration on planning decisions and an integral part of the design and development process to support the wildlife, habitat, cultural and historical values of defined character areas and particular environments so that developments respond positively to their landscape and townscape context. It was noted that the SPD would be subject to a period of 8 weeks public consultation, the time period for which had been extended in recognition of the length of the revised SPD.
In acknowledging the level of detail provided at Ward level and in noting the inclusion of regional variations within the SPD which would seek to encourage development proposals to consider designs that were sympathetic to the existing streetscene, the Cabinet were apprised with the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance & Growth). In doing so, it was
that the Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document: Consultation Draft 2021 be approved for public consultation.
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The Panel is invited to comment on the Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document: Consultation Draft 2021.
Contact: N Elworthy 01480 388434
Additional documents:
By means of a report and presentation by the Strategic Growth Manager (copies of which are appended in the Minute Book) the Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was presented to the Panel.
The Panel heard that the revised SPD was a much needed update and a serious overhaul to the previous document which had been in use since 2007.
Councillor Grice praised the Officers for a commendable piece of work which would form a great point of reference for the future.
It was reflected by Councillor Dew that the 2007 document greatly needed updating as the world had changed significantly since it’s adoption. He praised the document as essential in keeping the suite of the Council’s planning documents up to date. It was also noted that it is important to engage with town and parish councils on this subject to allow them a platform to build on for the future.
Councillors also praised the focus on townscapes within the document as they felt this was more in keeping with the local area and crucial for proposed and future developments.
Following a question from Councillor Butler over town centre parking in Ramsey, the Planning Policy Team Leader reassured that the suggestion to introduce landscaping to the town centre is in order to reduce the visible impact of town centre parking not to restrict the parking itself.
Councillor Sanderson questioned what the most effective way to provide natural screenings for existing developments would be. He was advised that whilst the report primarily focuses on new developments, town and parish councils were encouraged to work with the district council to provide planting screens on council owned land to reduce the impact of existing developments.
The report was wholeheartedly endorsed by Councillor Corney, who also questioned how the document would be communicated with local councils and public for the consultation. The Panel heard that the document would be available electronically and that it would be interactive to allow residents and councils to focus on specific geographic areas.
The Panel also heard that the public consultation was to be increased to eight weeks from the statutory four weeks as the council recognised the size of the document and aimed to allow sufficient time for residents and local councils to digest and comment upon the proposals.
Having welcomed the report, the Panel thereupon
that the Cabinet be encouraged to endorse the recommendations contained within the report.