To seek agreement to act upon the examiner’s report into the Grafham & Ellington Neighbourhood Plan leading to a referendum on whether or not it should be brought into force as part of the statutory development plan.
Executive Councillor: J Neish.
Contact: N Elworthy - (01480) 388434
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has agreed that the District Council should act upon the Examiner’s report to accept the recommended modifications and progress the neighbourhood plan to referendum.
Consideration was given to a report prepared by the Strategic Growth Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) seeking agreement to act upon the Examiner’s report into the Grafham and Ellington Neighbourhood Plan leading to a referendum on whether or not it should be brought into force as part of the statutory development plan.
Having had their attention drawn to the proposed timetable for implementation which would seek to hold the proposed referendum on 27th January 2022 and in noting the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance & Growth), it was
that the District Council should act upon the Examiner’s report to accept the recommended modifications and progress the neighbourhood plan to referendum.
5. Grafham & Ellington Neighbourhood Planning Referendum PDF 96 KB
The Panel is invited to comment on the Grafham and Ellington Neighbourhood Planning Referendum.
Contact: N Elworthy 01480 388434
Additional documents: