To be presented with the draft Agency Agreement between Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) and Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) required for the Council to undertake the enforcement of on-street offences once parking within the district boundary had been decriminalised.
Executive Councillor: Mrs M L Beuttell.
Contact: N Sloper/G McDowell - (01480) 388386
Additional documents:
Cabinet has endorsed the contents of the Agency Agreement proposed, subject to the final amendments being presented following the undertaken of the review by County Council Officers & Councillors required as part of Cambridgeshire County Council endorsement.
Further to Minute No. 20/56, consideration was given to a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were provided with details of the draft Agency Agreement between the District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council required for the District Council to undertake the enforcement of on-street offences once parking within the District boundary had been decriminalised.
It was noted that the draft Agreement had been reviewed by 3C Legal Services and was awaiting any further comments back by the County Council, with further clarification awaited on the position for the District Council should they wish to terminate the Agreement early.
Members welcomed progress with the Agreement and attention was drawn to specific concerns raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Customers and Partnerships) on a consistent acceptable standard of all signage and road markings, whereby it was identified that the on-going maintenance would be undertaken by the County Council through a Service Level Agreement to ensure that any faults are rectified through a robust mechanism that formed part of the ongoing highways maintenance as opposed to the matter being raised by the District Council. Whereupon, the Cabinet
that, subject to the final amendments being presented following the review being undertaken by Cambridgeshire County Council Officers and Councillors required as part of County Council endorsement, the contents of the proposed Agency Agreement for Civil Parking Enforcement in Huntingdonshire be endorsed.
46 Parking: Agency Agreement for Civil Parking Enforcement in Huntingdonshire PDF 97 KB
The Parking: Agency Agreement for Civil Parking Enforcement in Huntingdonshire is to be presented to the Panel.
Contact: G McDowell 01480 388386
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), the Parking: Agency Agreement for Civil Parking Enforcement in Huntingdonshire report was presented to the Panel.
It was clarified to the Panel, following a question from Councillor D’Souza, that CPZ referred to Controlled Parking Zones, which were mentioned in the agreement, although there are none in the district at present, this ensures that they will be covered by the agreement should such zones be introduced in the future.
In response to a further question from Councillor D’Souza, it was explained that where on street parking fees be collected on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC), an administration fee was kept by the Council and the remainder returned to CCC, with the proviso that it be investing within Huntingdonshire on parking enforcement.
The Panel also heard that existing parking enforcement officers would be retained and additional vacancies created within the team to meet the anticipated demand created by this agreement.
In response to a question from Councillor Mrs Wilson, the Panel were assured that the 3C Legal Team had been involved in the creation of the agreement to ensure it remained robust and covered eventualities in case of termination by other parties.
Following questions from Councillor Gardener and Councillor Mrs Wilson, the Panel heard that some road markings within the district are classed as being in acceptable condition, however work would be undertaken where marking fall below this standard to ensure that all signs and lines within the district would be to an acceptable standard and in addition be digitally catalogued.
The Panel were reassured that lone working policies and risk assessments would be carried out following concern from Councillor Alban. Assurances were also made that personal security solutions would also be investigated to ensure safety of staff prior to the commencement of the agreement.
The Panel were advised that should CCC terminate the agreement, then responsibility would revert back to them as they hold statutory responsibility.
Following an enquiry from Councillor West, the Panel heard that legislation surrounding pavement parking was in the process of being updated, but the Panel were assured that where able to, under the legislation, parking offences on pavements would be enforced.
Councillor Gardener enquired regarding the maintenance of highway markings and the Panel heard that where it can be demonstrated that markings have fallen below an acceptable standard and are affecting enforcement of offences, lost revenue could be reclaimed.
The Panel were reminded that should individual towns and parishes wish to apply for highways markings, applications should be made to CCC under the Local Highways Improvement Scheme.
The Panel were also advised that a comprehensive communications plan would be in place once the agreement has been approved.
Having welcomed the report, the Panel thereupon
that the Cabinet be encouraged to endorse the recommendations contained within the report.