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To receive a report updating Members on the development of a new Corporate Plan for 2022/23 and to present proposed objectives, actions and performance indicators for endorsement by the Cabinet and approval by Council.
Executive Councillor: S Conboy.
Contact: D Buckridge - (01480) 388065
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has approved the Corporate Plan developed for 2022/23 for submission to Council.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Business and Intelligence Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) Executive Members were updated on the development of a new Corporate Plan for 2022/23 and were presented with proposed objectives, actions and performance indicators for endorsement by Cabinet and approval by Council.
In introducing the report, the Executive Leader reported that a number of engagement events would be taking place over the summer and autumn period and that feedback received from the community would be incorporated into the Corporate Plan going forward. Executive Members were reminded of the opportunities they have had to contribute to the Plan thus far and welcomed the priority which had been accorded to the “tackling climate change and caring for the environment” objective which now appeared as the first objective of the Plan.
With reference to the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Growth) and in response to a question raised by the Executive Councillor for Planning, it was confirmed that an action would be taken away to consider the addition of an indicator under the objective “Strengthening our Communities” to show timescales for payments to community groups. Whereupon, it was
that the Council be recommended to approve the Corporate Plan developed for 2022/23 as attached in the updated Appendix A of the report now submitted.
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The Corporate Plan 2022-23 is to be presented to the Panel.
Contact: D Buckridge 01480 388054
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Business Intelligence and Performance Manager, (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), the Corporate Plan 2022/23 was presented to the Panel.
Councillor Gray observed that the Corporate Plan was for the whole Council to adopt, not just the joint administration and that it would be useful to refer to it as such. This point was noted and the messaging would be amended to reflect this. Councillor Gray further observed that the new administration had inherited a very strong financial position from the previous administration, and whilst pragmatism is welcomed, the plan looked very similar to previous years with the exception of the climate emergency declaration. It was further stated that residents of Huntingdonshire had voted for change in the recent elections but that none was visible within the plan. The Panel heard that whilst there were current similarities to previous plans, change is coming. Once this has been properly investigated and developed then it will be taken forward, and it was further noted that these continued developments were expected to be in the updated plan from April 2023.
Councillor Cawley echoed Councillor Gray’s concerns and queried the expected outcome of the environmental crisis declaration addition. The Panel heard that the administration were taking the crisis seriously and planned to add substance to the actions currently being developed with further detail to be provided in due course.
Councillor Howell enquired whether an indicator could be added under the objective strengthening communities to show timescales for payments to community groups. The Panel were advised that this would be investigated with context being developed into the commentary.
It was observed by Councillor Corney, that a Task and Finish Group had previously looked at the topic of affordable housing and enquired what further work was expected on this. The Panel heard that this is being revisited due to the shifting nature of the district and the housing market. Further cross party working and involvement from Scrutiny would be welcomed as this gathers pace.
The reasoning behind the Invest and Made in Huntingdonshire project was questioned by Councillor Pickering who felt that residents identified more with their local community than with the district. The Panel heard that the administration were mindful of this and that a blend of these identities would be developed going forward allowing scope to attract large investors to the district as a whole.
Councillor Martin queried the indicator for super fast broadband, he observed that as a fluctuating technology with constant improvements it is therefore hard to measure. The Panel heard that Ofcom data would be used for this indicator and would be adjusted according to the available data.
Having largely welcomed the report, the Panel thereupon
that the Cabinet be encouraged to endorse the recommendations contained within the report.