To receive a report presenting details of the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2018/22 and project delivery.
Executive Councillor: S Ferguson.
Contact: D Buckridge - (01480) 388065
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has considered and commented on progress made against the Key Actions and Corporate Indicators in the Corporate Plan and current projects, as summarised in Appendix A and detailed in Appendices B and C of the report now submitted.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Business Intelligence & Performance Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered progress made against the Key Actions and Corporate Indicators listed in the Council’s Corporate Plan 2018/22 for the period 1st January to 30th April 2022. The report also incorporated progress on the current projects being undertaken by the Council.
The Executive Councillor for Customer Services summarised the progress made in delivering the Key Actions for 2021/22 over the reporting period where the Cabinet were pleased to note that in respect of Corporate Indicators, 86% of these were either on track or within an acceptable variance. He then went on to report that whilst the pandemic had less impact on performance for most services compared to the previous year, it continued to be a factor in customers ability to pay Council Tax this year. Across the board, 8 indicators remained “red” but this remained low when compared to previous years. In his concluding remarks and in response to the comments which had been made by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Growth), it was reported that the new administration would be refreshing the Corporate Plan in the coming months progressing it towards a fairer and greener Huntingdonshire.
In thanking Officers and the previous administration for the performance levels achieved and the targets reached to date, it was
that Cabinet note the progress made against the Key Actions and Corporate Indicators in the Corporate Plan and current projects, as summarised in Appendix A and detailed in Appendices B and C of the report now submitted.
8 Corporate Performance Report, 2021/22 Quarter 4 PDF 8 KB
To receive the Corporate Performance Report 2021/22 Quarter 4.
Contact: D Buckridge 01480 388054
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Business Intelligence and Performance Manager (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Corporate Performance Report 2021/22 Quarter 4 report was presented to the Panel.
Councillor Gray enquired on the initial thoughts of the new Executive Councillor on this report and whether there were any additional areas of focus identified. The Panel heard that the new administration would be building on a great foundation but that as the district progresses post pandemic, new challenges will be faced. The proposed refresh of the Corporate Plan which is due to come through the democratic cycle in the coming months will help to identify revised indicators to ensure that the Council is best serving the needs of its residents.
Following a question from Councillor Cawley on the challenges faced by the Planning service over recent years, the Panel heard that steps had been put in place to remedy this. These are challenges faced by the Planning sector nationally but revised working practices and adapted proactive recruitment processes, including the potential development of a Graduate pathway, are helping to attract new members and resilience to the team.
Councillor Wells enquired on how a green indicator for new homes could be achieved and the Panel heard that the pandemic and supply issues faced by the construction industry had greatly affected this over the past few years, however it was hoped that this should be achievable over the coming year.
Councillor Cawley enquired around the administration involved within the Planning service which took up valuable officer time, this point was noted for further investigation and would be communicated back to the Panel at a future date.
The Panel praised the hard work of the officers around the Council for a fantastic report and achievement in the position left by the previous administration.
Having welcomed the report, the Panel thereupon
that the Cabinet be recommended to endorse the recommendations contained within the report.