To receive a report presenting the Climate Strategy for adoption by the Council.
Executive Councillor: L Davenport-Ray.
Contact: N Sloper - (01480) 388635
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has recommended to Council the approval of:
(a) the formal recognition of a Climate Crisis and Ecological Emergency;
(b) the adoption of the Council’s Climate Strategy in response to the Climate Emergency;
(c) the adoption of the initial Climate Action Plan proposed, endorsing its annual refresh in association with our communities, businesses and partners through the Climate Conversation; and
(d) annual reporting of progress to Overview and Scrutiny and more frequent collaboration with the Overview and Scrutiny Climate Working Group.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Assistant Director (Strategic Insight & Delivery) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were presented with the Climate Strategy for adoption by the Council.
In introducing the report, the Executive Councillor for Climate & Environment outlined the breadth of work undertaken by Officers to produce the Strategy which seeks to achieve the following:
§ a positive example through its actions to be a net carbon zero Council by 2040;
§ an enabler supporting action within our communities and across our partners; and
§ an encourager to those that live, work and visit Huntingdonshire to take climate action and reduce carbon emissions.
She then went on to report that the Council had previously agreed a Cost of Living and Climate Change motion at its meeting on 12th October 2022 which recognised that both matters required joint attention to support the wellbeing of residents and businesses. Attention was then drawn to the vision and 6 objectives of the Strategy which had been devised following feedback from residents, businesses and stakeholders whom had engaged with the Council’s 2022 Climate Survey. The pathway to achieving carbon net zero 2040 was then discussed, together with an explanation of the projected emissions and linear and exponential target emissions. It was noted that the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Carbon Management Plan would initially seek to avoid activities that would cause emissions, with the Council’s least favoured option being offsetting residual emissions. Finally, attention was drawn to Appendix 5, which outlined the Council’s Climate Action Plan. Members of the Cabinet noted the 3 high priority actions and acknowledged that some of the actions within the plan had already commenced within the Council.
Having had their attention drawn to the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environment, Communities & Partnerships) and in noting that Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance & Growth) had been invited to attend the Panel to address the meeting on the content of the Strategy given its impact upon the Council, the Cabinet’s attention was drawn to cross party concern over the planned £100,000 reserve set aside for actions/projects designed to achieve the objectives of the Strategy. Views had been expressed that this was not a sufficient level of funding. The Executive Councillor for Climate and Environment advised that in the next budget round, she would be making a one off bid of £150,000 to help further achieve the aspirations of the Strategy. Executive Members’ attention was then drawn to a suggestion made by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environment, Communities & Partnerships) to include an additional recommendation relating to the establishment of a set of measures against which progress and timescales could be monitored through regular reporting to Overview and Scrutiny. The Executive Councillor for Climate and Environment acknowledged the role that Overview and Scrutiny could play in the future and instead proposed an alternative recommendation relating to the annual reporting of progress to Overview and Scrutiny and more frequent collaboration with the ... view the full minutes text for item 64
The Panel is invited to comment on the Climate Strategy.
Contact: N Sloper 01480 388635
Additional documents:
Members of the Overview and Scrutiny (Performance and Growth) Panel were also invited to attend the meeting and to address the meeting on this Strategy given its anticipated impact across the Council. By means of a report by the Assistant Director Strategic Insight and Delivery (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Climate Strategy was presented to the Panel.
Councillor Shaw enquired how the Climate Co-ordinator role would be funded and the Panel heard that this was a planned expense for a fixed term role with bidding for a permanent role anticipated and would therefore not draw on the reserves mentioned within the report. Following a further question by Councillor Gleadow, the Panel heard that the role would include monitoring and reporting responsibilities but that any financial decisions would still be made in line with usual Council procedures. The role is seen as a vital part of the Council’s journey to net zero carbon, co-ordinating work across service areas as required.
The Panel heard, following a question from Councillor Shaw, that the Climate Strategy had a dual role in both allowing the Council to implement specific changes and also influence others. The Panel also heard that, once approved, the priorities of the Climate Strategy would be incorporated into all Council activities to ensure that any impact on the climate is considered, the development of a new Local Plan for Huntingdonshire was given as an example of where the Council’s voice could be used to influence decisions and the impact of others.
In response to a question from Councillor Wells, the Panel heard that the Council had joined a fixed term energy tariff in Autumn 2022 which used 50% renewable energy, it was felt that this was the right decision at the time. The Panel further heard that the creation of an Energy Strategy would enable the Council to continue to make appropriate decisions about energy use and procurement in line with its priorities.
Councillor Cawley enquired whether there was any plan to offset carbon emissions prior to 2040 and the Panel were directed to the Hierarchy of Action diagram on page 9 of Appendix 1. It was advised that as 2040 approaches the Council may need to consider offset options once all other options had been exhausted.
It was queried by Councillor Alban why carbon offset was being seen as a last resort rather than looked at immediately for a quick win. The Panel were advised that the Council’s most important role was to set an example to the wider community and that only by wisely using funds to address the source of the issue can a long term sustainable outcome could be achieved.
Councillor Cawley further observed that the planned £100,000 reserve was not a large sum of money considering the aspirations of the Strategy and enquired if there were plans to review the amount. The Panel were advised that in line with the Council’s usual financial processes, reserves were able to be carried forward ... view the full minutes text for item 4