To receive a report outlining the commencement of work on the new Local Plan to replace Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036.
Executive Councillor: T Sanderson.
Contact: C Bond - (01480) 387104
The Cabinet has:
a) agreed to the preparation of a full update to the adopted Local Plan;
b) agreed to the commencement of work to compile an updated local evidence base to inform and support preparation of the full update to the adopted Local Plan, working with partners and consultants as necessary; and
c) required the preparation of an updated Local Development Scheme to formally outline the scope of the update to the adopted Local Plan and an indicative timetable for its preparation.
Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) proposing the commencement of work on a new Local Plan to replace Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036.
By way of background, the Executive Councillor for Planning reported that in conjunction with the next two items on the agenda for the Cabinet meeting (Minute Nos 22/67 and 22/68 refer), the report would seek to commence a full update to the Local Plan and agree publication for public engagement of the Statement of Community Involvement and the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. Under the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Council was required to review its Local Plan within 5 years of adoption. Members were reminded that the current Local Plan had been adopted by Council on 15th May 2019. Furthermore, it was noted that changes to national legislation and the National Planning Policy Framework had further prompted the need for the review.
Having highlighted the changed methodology for calculating local housing need resulting in a need for Huntingdonshire to deliver 950 new houses instead of the former target of 804 and in discussing the impact of tilted balance on planning decisions, the Cabinet discussed the impact of the new Local Plan process upon those communities which had already developed their own Neighbourhood Plans as well as those communities that were currently in the process of developing their own. Arising from which, it was agreed that Officers would be asked to engage directly with Town and Parish Councils providing advice as necessary. Furthermore, it was reported that the Local Plan process would appear as an item at the next Town and Parish Council engagement session delivered by the Council.
In noting the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance & Growth) and having expressed their unanimous support for the proposals, it was
that the Cabinet be recommended to
a) agree to the preparation of a full update to the adopted Local Plan;
b) agree to the commencement of work to compile an updated local evidence base to inform and support preparation of the full update to the adopted Local Plan, working with partners and consultants as necessary; and
c) require the preparation of an updated Local Development Scheme to formally outline the scope of the update to the adopted Local Plan and an indicative timetable for its preparation.
56 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Review and Proposed Update PDF 98 KB
The Panel are invited to comment on the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Review and Proposed Update.
Contact: C Bond 01480 388274
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book, the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Review and Proposed Update was presented to the Panel.
Following a question from Councillor Corney regarding the effect of a new Local Plan on any new or developing neighbourhood plans, the Panel were advised that the guidelines state that the newest plan sets precedence. However, there was still considerable time before the implementation of the new Local Plan during which neighbourhood plans made since the adoption of Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036 would take precedence and this would only come into effect where there is a conflict in advice between the two plans, otherwise they may run in conjunction with each other. It was further observed by Councillor Corney that titled balance was remembered only too well and it would be preferred to stay away from this in the future.
The Panel heard, following a question from Councillor Howell, that reserves were created annually alongside the Medium Term Financial Strategy to ensure sufficient funds were available. The Panel were advised that the resources are expected to be sufficient for a ‘fit for purpose’ Local Plan but careful management of the preparation process would be required to remain within budget.
Councillor Blackwell enquired about the feasibility of the timetable for proposed public engagement and how realistic this may be. The Panel heard that the majority of deadlines during preparation of Local Plans were statutory, therefore consistency would be established by maintaining the timescales across the majority of engagement opportunities. The team also planned to co-ordinate with other departments and work flexibly with local Councils where possible.
Following a question from Councillor Pickering on how much the Plan could be future proofed, it was advised that there are changes being proposed nationally, and that the team will work to anticipate as much as possible to minimise risk.
Councillor Gray praised the very experienced team for their work so far and expressed confidence in the time ahead, a sentiment which was echoed by Councillor Gleadow.
It was thereupon
that Cabinet be encouraged to endorse the recommendations within the report.