To receive a report seeking approval of the contents of the Call for Sites form and its approval for public engagement for a period of ten weeks.
Executive Councillor: T Sanderson.
Contact: C Bond - (01480) 387104
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) seeking approval of the content of the Call for Sites form for public engagement opportunities for a period of ten weeks following the Cabinet’s meeting and the call-in period.
It was reported by the Executive Councillor for Planning that the commencement of a Call for Sites engagement period was being proposed to support the final stage of preparation of the Local Plan update. The form would provide landowners, developers, agents, individuals and other interested parties an opportunity to suggest sites for a wide variety of uses and to indicate when they might be available. It was acknowledged that the Call for Sites engagement was interconnected with the Land Availability Assessment Methodology (Item No. 22/85 refers) and that together, both documents would form a key part of the evidence needed to prepare the next Huntingdonshire Local Plan. In his concluding remarks, the Executive Councillor for Planning drew the Cabinet’s attention to the proposed 10 week engagement period for the Call for Sites process and the views of the Overview and Panel (Performance & Growth) where comments had been made in respect of flood mitigation measures, resource management and communities that were already in the middle of developing their own Neighbourhood Plans.
The Chief Planning Officer reported that any sites proposed would be subject to an assessment, which included a sustainability appraisal by Officers, full details of which would be submitted to the Cabinet in due course. Members were reminded that rural communities also had an opportunity to put forward exception sites too as part of this process. It was further confirmed that flood risk assessments would also be included as part of the assessment process and that partners such as the Environment Agency, Anglian Water and Cambridge Water would all be invited to participate and contribute in the Local Plan development process.
Whilst the use of the Call for Sites Form would be encouraged, if there were individuals requiring support or assistance in completing the form, alternative methods of acquiring the information would be accepted and dealt with on a case by case basis. Furthermore, the Executive Councillor for Planning commented that the Call for Sites process also provided an opportunity for smaller developers to submit their proposals. Whereupon, it was
(a) that the structure of the Call for Sites engagement be approved; and
(b) that the Call for Sites engagement period commence after the Cabinet’s meeting and the call-in period lasting for a period of ten weeks.
The Panel is invited to comment on the Call for Sites report and Consultation Form.
Contact: C Bond 01480 387104
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Call for Sites Report was presented to the Panel.
The Panel heard, in response to a question from Councillor Gardener, that in relation to flood mitigation measures, the Council would take a steer from the owners of land on what they would like it to be considered for. Should the land owner put forward a site for a particular use it would be assessed for that use. The only instance when an alternative use may be considered on a site would be if, for instance, someone put forward a site for a particular commercial use and in consultation with Economic Development colleagues it is revealed that there would be a better market for an alternative commercial use.
Councillor Blackwell enquired how resources would be managed and ensure that accurate data is recorded, the Panel heard that the Call for Sites form asks the landowners or site promoters to submit a lot of the data themselves, which will be checked to ensure the consistency of sources, in some cases extra information regarding the source of the data may be requested so that it can be double checked. In terms of resources, site assessments will be done primarily within the team but it is hoped that the wider planning team could assist with some assessments, this will partly depend on the number of sites received.
Concern was expressed by Councillor Blackwell over the form itself, observing that it appeared difficult to navigate and uninviting, she expressed concern that small landowners would be put off. The Panel were assured that the online version of the form was a lot more user friendly and that guidance notes were provided to assist in its completion however a further check of the form would be undertaken prior to its publication. It was anticipated that many sites would be presented across the district, and advised that landowners have the options to seek professional support and guidance which in turn would help manage the teams resources.
Following questions from Councillors Gray and Pickering, the Panel were advised that this form could be used to submit all types of sites including green spaces and renewable energy. A plan was being developed with the Communications team to help maximise this message.
The Panel heard, following a question from Councillor Gardener, that policies in neighbourhood plans could not be used to assess the sites. This will be a planning policy ‘off’ assessment of sites, so the technical assessment of site will disregard both the Local Plan and any Neighbourhood Plan. The submitted sites will be consulted on later as part of a further issues and options consultation, giving the opportunity for communities to put representations in on the sites in their area, and whether they support or object or suggest alternative uses. This would include parishes with Neighbourhood Plans. This may also identify desirable sites to parishes which had been ... view the full minutes text for item 78