To receive a report presenting details of delivery of the Corporate Plan 2022/23 and project delivery.
Executive Councillor: S Ferguson.
Contact: D Buckridge - (01480) 388065
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has considered and commented on progress made against the Key Actions and Corporate Indicators in the Corporate Plan and current projects, as summarised in Appendix A and detailed in Appendices B, C and D of the report now submitted.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Business Intelligence & Performance Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were presented with an update on the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2022/23 and project delivery.
The Executive Councillor for Customer Services summarised the progress made in delivering the Key Actions for 2022/23 over the reporting period where it was noted that improvements had been made in 13 out of 17 indicators where it had been possible to compare with the previous year and some areas that had not been improved had been affected by unavoidable external factors. In line with the corporate objectives the Executive Councillor highlighted improvements in attendance at One Leisure, the outstanding performance in the delivery of new affordable homes, a higher percentage of major planning applications and household extension applications processed and lower percentage of missed bin collections which he attributed to the consistent hard work of the Officers involved.
The Executive Councillor further presented the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Growth) held on 7th June 2023 that focussed on the measures and quality of some of the data and it was explained that all 27 indicators next year would have a target as well as an intervention level to provide further reasoning behind the RAG status.
Members commented upon the strength of the
report despite some the external factors that had presented some
challenges in achieving the targets and the Executive Leader echoed
the sentiments of the Executive Councillor for Customer Services in
expressing her gratitude for the dedicated and
hard-working staff and acknowledged their efforts in the delivery
of the corporate performance and every aspect of Council services
delivered on behalf of residents.
Whereupon, the Cabinet
to note the progress made against the Key Actions and Corporate Indicators in the Corporate Plan and current projects, as summarised in Appendix A and detailed in Appendices B, C and D of the report now submitted.
10 Corporate Performance Report, 2022/23 Quarter 4 PDF 8 KB
The Panel is invited to receive the Corporate Performance Report 2022/23 Quarter 4.
Executive Councillor: S Ferguson
Contact: D Buckridge 01480 388065
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Business Intelligence & Performance Manager Performance and Data Analyst (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), the Corporate Performance Report 2022/23 Quarter 4 Report was presented to the Panel.
Following a question from Councillor Jennings on the lack of set targets on some of the performance indicators and status indicators, the Panel heard that the team were aware of some discrepancies within the report, however this would be addressed and the proposed changes to the reports in 2023/24 would resolve this issue for the future. It was further advised, that for every measure in the new corporate plan there would be a target and intervention level set.
In response to a question from Councillor Pickering, the Panel heard that the measures for garden waste would be improved as it was acknowledged that the weather could greatly affect this measure, especially with the impacts of climate change. Going forward, a more appropriate target would be set for the ‘percentage of waste that is recycled’ and the inclusion of a ‘weight of waste collected per household’ to ensure that not only waste recycled but the efforts to reduce waste overall could be tracked by Officers and Members.
Councillor Gleadow observed the improvement shown within the planning service and praised the team for this achievement.
It was thereupon
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.