To receive a report from the Chief Planning Officer on the Sawtry Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Examination Outcome and Progression to Referendum.
Executive Councillor: T Sanderson
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has agreed that the District Council should act upon the Examiner’s report to accept the recommended modifications and progress the neighbourhood plan to referendum.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Chief Planning Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered whether to act upon the examiner’s report and accept the modifications proposed for the Sawtry Neighbourhood Plan and consequently progress to referendum.
By way of background, Councillor Sanderson, the Executive Councillor for Planning, reiterated and echoed compliments from the Ward Councillor regarding the work completed by Sawtry Parish Council. The Conservation Statement had not been produced but neighbourhood policies used landscape and townscape supplementary planning documents to guide proposals. Confirmation from landowners was still required for some development sites.
Councillor Ferguson, the Executive Councillor for Customer Services, promoted neighbourhood plans as a way for residents to influence their community.
The Executive Leader, Councillor Conboy, acknowledged that she had spoken to Sawtry Parish Council at the start of the neighbourhood planning process and was pleased to see the progression. Whereupon, it was
that the Cabinet agree that the District Council should act upon the Examiner’s report and progress the Sawtry Neighbourhood Plan to referendum.