26 Corporate Performance Report 2023-24 Quarter 1 PDF 7 KB
The Panel is invited to receive the Corporate Performance Report 2023/24 Quarter 1.
Executive Councillor: S Ferguson
Contact: D Buckridge 01480 388065
Additional documents:
By means of a report and presentation by the Business Intelligence and Performance Manager (copies of which were appended in the Minute Book) the Corporate Performance Report Q1 was presented to the Panel.
It was observed by Councillor Gardener that some items were showing as a green status for the year when in actual fact they were currently under an amber status. It was explained that the current amber status was shown on the graphs and that the reason for the year end status showing as green was due to anticipated improvements over the year that would result in an overall green status. The Panel were advised that future reports would be revised to show both current and year end statuses in all summary tables.
Following an enquiry from Councillor Pickering on One Leisure admissions, the Panel was advised that full details of why performance was expected to partially recover by the end of March would be sought from the Portfolio Holder and reported back to the Panel.
Whilst the Panel praised the new format of the report, Councillor Jennings expressed concerns that in many cases the introductory commentary did not consider RAG status or performance into account, focusing on the positives and not the fuller picture. The Panel heard that this observation was noted and that this would be reviewed going forward with a possibility of merging the summary and detail sections to avoid unnecessary repetition. It was further observed by Councillor Gardener that the report layout was not as clear as the presentation previously shown to the Panel regarding the updates to the report style. Consideration would be given to amending the layout to reflect this feedback and the views of other stakeholders.
Councillor Martin enquired whether further detail could be provided regarding PI 15 to include detail on extensions to planning applications. The Panel were advised that this would be investigated and reported back to the Panel. Following a question from Councillor Gardener, it was noted that clarification would be given on PI 13 results and whether withdrawn applications were included.
The Panel were advised, following a query from Councillor Jennings, that the RAG status at year end would be reflective of the overall annual status where cumulative measures are used.
Whereupon, it was thereby
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.