The Overview and Scrutiny Panel is invited to comment on the approach and progress made so far by the Huntingdonshire Futures project in the six months following the adoption of the Place Strategy.
Executive Councillor: S Conboy
Contact: N Sloper 01480 388635
Additional documents:
By means of a report and presentation by the Assistant Director (Strategic Insights & Delivery) (copies of which were appended in the Minute Book), the Huntingdonshire Place Strategy Update was presented to the Panel.
Councillor Gleadow observed that it was positive to see named individuals within the working groups and invited questions from the Panel.
Councillor Jennings enquired what would happen should the working groups wish to change direction once established. In response to this, the Panel were advised that it was hoped that the groups would organically evolve as the world around us changes. There will be constant communication to allow for this development and evolution as these groups are intended to mimic the voice of residents, however a further update would be provided to the Panel should there be a major shift in the focus of a group.
In response to a question from Councillor Howell, the Panel heard that the membership of groups would be monitored and expansion to the membership allowed to ensure effectiveness. Further to this, it was observed that it would be important for these groups to be inclusive and reflective of all communities across the district. The Panel enquired how to develop connections between their local communities and the groups. Councillor Gardener was pleased to see that rural communities from the district were represented within the groups, and further suggested that, as a major employer within the district, Kimbolton School should also be involved.
The Panel heard that the groups had been formed with volunteers and that they had identified the need to develop this membership across the local community. It is encouraging that this process has started but the local knowledge of Members would be appreciated to help develop this further.
Following question from Councillors Gardener and Slade, it was advised to the Panel that the Council’s involvement with the groups was being kept to a minimum to ensure that the groups were not inadvertently lead by the Council, and that the venues for the meetings was being arranged by the group members. IN addition it would be investigated whether or not members would be able to attend meetings. It was further advised that the meetings held so far have been steering groups, some of which are journey specific and that members would be invited where appropriate.
Councillor Gleadow noted that this was an organic process which would constantly develop, and that because of this, it would be useful for the Panel to see regular updates to keep informed.