The Panel is invited to comment on the Council Tax Support Scheme report.
Executive Councillor: S Ferguson
Contact: K Kelly 01480 388151
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Review and Benefits Manager (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Council Tax Support Scheme 2024/25 Report was presented to the Panel.
In response to a question from Councillor McAdam, the Panel heard that precepts as whole should not affect Town and Parish Councils, as they are still able to set the overall precept as required, however the amount charged per household may change. The Panel were advised that work is currently being undertaken to draft the Taxbase, but the Taxbase setting decision cannot be taken until after the decision on the Council Tax Support Scheme.
Councillor Cawley praised the sentiment of the report but questioned where the money would be found to make up the shortfall. The Panel were advised that the £1 million difference was made up across all authorities who make up the beneficiaries of Council Tax and that the impact on the District Council was anticipated to be £70,000. The Panel were assured that Council Tax precepts for the district would not be affected and that an increase in revenue streams would help to cover the shortfall.
Councillor Hunt enquired whether it was possible to see how much is currently spent by the Council Tax recovery team on these types of accounts and how much could be saved by the introduction of the new policy. The Panel heard that whilst this information was not readily available, there was an impact of taking recovery action on those that could least afford to pay as every court summons issued for non-payment incurs costs of £70.
It was observed by Councillor Shaw that the lack of response from Cambridgeshire County Council was surprising given that they would be most affected by the new policy. The Panel heard that the County Council were in support of the principles of the project and that two other Councils within the County had already implemented Council Tax Support schemes that offered up to 100%. In addition, Councillor Bywater stressed the importance of including Care Leavers within the group that the policy would benefit.
Following a question from Councillor Alban, the Panel heard that modelling suggested around 4% or 163 claims may be negatively impacted due to having income higher that the allowances, but that this number may reduce as claims migrate to Universal Credit. An exceptional hardship scheme would be in place to help support those negatively impacted to transition to the new scheme.
Whereupon, it was
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.