To consider a report by the Regeneration and Housing Delivery Manager on an update of activity across all strands of the Market Towns Programme.
Executive Councillor: Cllr Sam Wakeford
Contact: Tel: (01480) 388486 or Email: pamela.scott@huntingdonshire.gov.uk.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has received and noted the contents of the report that provided an update on progress within the Market Towns Programme.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Regeneration and Housing Delivery Manager the Cabinet received an update (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) that provided details on the 2023/2024 Q4 update on the Market Towns Programme (MTP).
By way of background the Executive Councillor for Jobs, Economy, and Housing reported that the MTP is an ambitious programme of economic led interventions to renew and reshape our town centres and high streets in a way that promotes growth, improves experiences, and ensures sustainability in the future.
It was noted that the MTP is funded through a combination of external funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC), Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA), Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and National Highways.
As a result of discussions on the report Cabinet noted that (1) the Digital Information Screen project has now been extended to all Market Towns (Ramsey, St Ives, St Neots and Huntingdon); and (2) the Council has completed a procurement process and awarded a contract for delivery to the supplier Trueform. HDC are now working closely with Town Council partners and others including Huntingdon BID to plan the deployment of the Digital screens. This work will include confirming the information with partners that will be provided via the screens alongside the overall branding and messaging specific to each location.
Members attention was then drawn to the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, in particular the response to (A) an enquiry from Councillor Pickering, it was noted that the planning application for the Priory Centre was primarily the same as the application presented during the public engagement events but had some amendments to reflect comments received during the engagement events. It was also noted that the Panel heard that the application had been submitted and a link to the application on the portal would be circulated once the application became live. Finally, it had been confirmed that the application allowed for a scope of budget scenarios depending on the funding available once the project was underway; and (B) a question from Councillor Cawley, it was noted that the Shop Fronts Grant Scheme was currently only available to shops within the four market towns due to restrictions within the funding streams, however alternatives were being investigated to allow a similar scheme to be developed for Key Service Areas within the district.
In conclusion after consideration of the report the Chair Moved and Cabinet:
To note the progress within the Market Towns Programme.
The Panel is invited to comment on the Market Towns Programme Spring Update Report.
Executive Councillor: S Wakeford
Contact: P Scott 01480 388486
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Regeneration and Housing Delivery Manager, (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), the Market Towns Programme Spring Update was presented to the Panel.
In response to an enquiry from Councillor Pickering, the Panel heard that the planning application for the Priory Centre was primarily the same as the application presented during the public engagement events but had some amendments to reflect comments received during the engagement events. The Panel heard that the application had been submitted and a link to the application on the portal would be circulated once the application became live. It was also confirmed that the application allowed for a scope of budget scenarios depending on the funding available once the project was underway.
The Panel were assured, in response to questions from Councillor Corney and Councillor Jennings, that deadlines for funding from both the CPCA and the FHSF had been extended and would allow projects allocated those funding streams to be completed. The Panel were further assured that the team continued to maximise multiple funding sources to allow the fullest flexibility for projects, with timescales for projects being adjusted to reflect this. It was also confirmed that project dates would be included within the next report to allow for transparency and clarity.
Following a request from Councillor Slade for a location plan of the digital screens, the Panel heard that procurement had been completed on the project and the team were working with partners to implement the plans. It was advised that a location plan would be sought and provided as an update to the Panel. In response to a further question on the matter from Councillor Corney, the Panel heard that sessions would be held by the contractors for District Councillors to be fully appraised on the project and that there was an aim for the project to be fully implemented by March 2025.
Councillor Pickering expressed his delight that the Old Falcon development was moving forward, and the Panel heard that it would be a long term project for the final development but that any potential for a short term cosmetic improvement would be updated to the Panel as it was developed.
In response to a further question from Councillor Slade, the Panel heard that a robust communications plan was in place with the County Councillor who are managing the project, the team would assess this plan and liase with Members directly should it prove necessary.
Following a question from Councillor Cawley, the Panel were advised that funding granted to Huntingdon Town Council would assist them in their purchase for additional space for the Cromwell Museum and that the Town Council would then be looking at further funding opportunities to facilitate refurbishment of the space to be incorporated within the museum’s portfolio.
The Panel were advised, in response to a further question from Councillor Cawley, that the Shop Fronts Grant Scheme was currently only available to shops within the four market towns due to ... view the full minutes text for item 76