To receive a presentation updating the Panel on the implementation of the Garden waste subscription service.
Executive Councillor: M Hassall
Contact: L Smith 01480 388290
By means of a presentation by the Chief Delivery Officer (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), an update on the Garden Waste Subscription Service Implementation was presented to the Panel.
The Panel heard, in response to a question from Councillor Lowe, that there would only be the option to pay annually for the service. Options for those residents on a lower income were being developed.
Councillor Cawley commented that the marketing plan was helpful to see but enquired about communication with residents choosing to partake in the scheme as well as positive messaging against fly tipping. The Panel were assured that a thorough communications plan had been developed to ensure residents were aware of what to expect as the service became live. It was further advised that proactive messaging was being planned around the issue of fly tipping and that this would be reactive to data received as the service rolls out. It was further confirmed that those residents not choosing to subscribe to the service could keep their existing bin if they so desired.
Councillor Bywater expressed concerns regarding rental properties with a high turnover of tenants potentially abandoning their bins. The Panel heard that a detailed response would be sought and reported back at a future date.
In response to a question from Councillor Lowe, the Panel heard that bins which were returned to the Council would be redistributed where feasible or recycled if at the end of their life cycle.
Councillor Alban observed that the Panel’s decision to call in the project had been productive as it had allowed for robust development of the scheme. In response to a further question from Councillor Alban, the Panel heard that communication about the scheme would be distributed to all households on bin hangers alongside Christmas refuse collection details. It was also confirmed that the lower rate of £50 for three years would apply to all those residents who subscribe by direct debit by the required date and don’t cancel within the three year period.
The Panel were assured, following a question from Councillor Shaw, that once the service was implemented, only bins from those properties that had subscribed to the service would be collected.
Following an enquiry from Councillor Harvey, the Panel were advised that a schedule had been developed for the Saturday local collection points and would be shared. The Panel were also assured that any potential community collection points would be assessed on a case by case basis.