To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer on infrastructure projects seeking funding in whole or in part from an amount of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) monies received to date.
Executive Councillor: T Sanderson
Contact: Tel No: (01480) 388274 or Email: Claire.Burton@huntingdonshire.gov.uk.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has
a) Noted the updates on delivery in relation to the projects previously allocated or in receipt of CIL funding commitments (see Appendix 1);
b) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.2 to DECLINE funding for Hilton Pavilion;
c) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.3 to APPROVE funding for Sawtry Pavilion;
d) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.4 to DECLINE funding for The Guardroom community hub, Bury;
e) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.5 to DECLINE funding for St Neots Community Fire Station Modernisation and Extension Project;
f) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.6 to DECLINE funding for Sports Provision, Abbey College, Ramsey;
g) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.7 to DECLINE funding for Folksworth Multi Use Games Area (MUGA);
h) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.8 to DECLINE funding for a new workshop with storage for Warboys New Parish Centre;
i) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.9 to DECLINE funding for King George V Pavilion works, Huntingdon;
j) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.10 to DECLINE funding for an extension to a footpath in Colne;
k) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.11 to APPROVE funding for a Community Centre Extension, Ramsey; and
l) Agreed officer recommendations at Paragraph 4.12 to DECLINE funding for MAGPAS internal re-fit and purchase of an aviation tank.
By way of background the Executive Councillor for Planning Councillor T. Sanderson reported that Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) must spend the levy on infrastructure needed to support the development of the district that helps to deliver across the priorities in the Council’s Corporate Plan 2023 - 2028 specifically Creating a better Huntingdonshire for future generations by improved housing and forward-thinking economic growth e.g. influencing delivery of infrastructure including East West Rail, A428, A141 Strategic Outline Business Case and future Transport Strategies.
Cabinet noted that the latest funding round was launched on 27th November 2023 with a closing date of 22nd January 2024. Bids received within that round for CIL funding towards infrastructure projects have been assessed by officers to reach the recommendations within this report. The outcomes of this round do not preclude applicants from submitting future applications to future rounds, and they will be considered against the adopted criteria at the time of determination.
Cabinet was advised that a review of CIL governance is underway and anticipated to be presented to Cabinet in the summer of 2024. Subsequent to the adoption, a communication strategy will be developed, ensuring that all Partners, Towns/Parish Councils are aware of the new process.
The Executive Leader, Councillor S J Conboy then advised the Cabinet that the intention tonight was for a detailed discussion and vote on each individual recommendation instead of considering and voting on en-bloc the recommendation as this would ensure that that for complete transparency so that the applicants would be able to see that their application gets a fair hearing. In addition, to ensure openness and transparency during tonight’s meeting where Members of the Cabinet have an interest in a particular recommendation they should consider if their continued presence is incompatible with the Council’s code of conduct and if appropriate disclose that interests and withdraw from the meeting during the consideration of that particular recommendation.
Members attention was drawn to the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel in particular Councillor Corney regarding why so many applications had been unsuccessful in the funding round, the Panel were advised that applications need to demonstrate the need for growth within their community. It was observed that during previous funding rounds, the Parish Forum had provided the opportunity for preliminary discussions on applications and that work would be undertaken to ensure applicants were educated about the requirements for a successful application and that applicants, upon submitting their application, should receive a confirmation confirming the submission.
Councillor Harvey had enquired about the review of the CIL process which had been discussed at a previous meeting of the Panel and why funding was ongoing during that process. The Panel ... view the full minutes text for item 85
To comment on the Community Infrastructure Levy Spend Allocation Report.
Executive Councillor: T Sanderson
Contact: R Lyons 01480 388724
Additional documents:
By means of a report by the Chief Planning Officer, (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), the Community Infrastructure Levy Spend Allocation was presented to the Panel.
Following a question from Councillor Corney regarding why so many applications had been unsuccessful in the funding round, the Panel were advised that applications need to demonstrate the need for growth within their community. It was observed that during previous funding rounds, the Parish Forum had provided the opportunity for preliminary discussions on applications and that work would be undertaken to ensure applicants were educated about the requirements for a successful application.
In response to an observation from Councillor Corney, the Panel were advised that applicants, upon submitting their application, should receive a confirmation email confirming the submission.
Councillor Harvey enquired about the review of the CIL process which had been discussed at a previous meeting of the Panel and why funding was ongoing during that process. The Panel heard that the review was proving to be a lengthy process and having been appraised that several applications were ready for funding, it had been decided to progress with the current round.
Further to a question from Councillor Slade, the Panel were advised that the St Neots Fire Station application outcome was due to the monetary amount being requested rather than the percentage of the project.
In response to a question from Councillor Jennings about further delays to the foot and cycleways within Riverside Park, St Neots, the Panel heard that more detailed information would be sought and relayed back to the Panel.
The Panel were reassured, following a question from Councillor Harvey, that funding could be offered subject to certain qualifications being met and that this applied to both smaller and larger projects.
Following the discussion, it was
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.