To receive a presentation and discuss the Huntingdonshire Place Strategy Update.
Executive Councillor: S Conboy
Contact: Neil Sloper 01480 388635
Additional documents:
By means of a report and presentation by the Assistant Director (Strategic Insights & Delivery) (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book) the Panel received an update on the Huntingdonshire Place Strategy.
Councillor Gardener was enthusiastic about the proposed involvement with Parishes and suggested a similar format to recent Planning meetings would be productive. This sentiment was echoed by Councillor Howell who commented on the involvement of community groups as well.
The Panel expressed concern that April 2024 may be too ambitious a date for events to be hosted but could be a good start point to allow for events throughout the calendar year whilst recognising Huntingdonshire Day.
Concern was expressed by Councillor Jennings that some towns or parishes, such as St Neots, may not feel included as traditionally it had been difficult to encourage this relationship with the district. It was agreed that opportunities would be developed to encompass the needs of the many diverse communities across the district and by developing a mix of suggestions it would allow for something to suit everyone.
The Panel were advised that there was potential for an O&S working group to be involved in the project, this opportunity would be investigated and brought back to the Panel at a future date.