To consider a report by the Head of Leisure Services on the One Leisure proposal to re-brand, re-align and modernise the membership architecture.
Executive Councillor: S Taylor
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has approved the following recommendations:
1) the re-brand of One Leisure’s existing membership architecture to support compatibility with its new online joining platform and to support wider improvements to customer service delivery;
2) that One Leisure can re-align and modernise the membership architecture and pricing across all One Leisure sites;
3) that One Leisure can implement three new membership options to support the sustainable operation of facilities, maximising access and supporting the wider commercial sustainability of One Leisure; and
4) that this proposal forms a significant part of the process and journey of returning One Leisure back to its pre-pandemic membership base and thus strengthening its financial resilience as a non-statutory service, whilst contributing significantly to the council’s corporate plan objectives around resident outcomes.
With the aid of a report prepared by the Head of Leisure and Health (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet received a report that set out the One Leisure proposal to re-brand, re-align and modernise the membership architecture and pricing across all its sites. It was noted that this will carry the One Leisure brand through and into the existing membership suite of options available to residents. The associated benefits attached to this proposal are set out within the wider body of this report.
By way of background the Executive Councillor for Leisure, Waste and Street Scene Councillor S L Taylor reported that this change is important because it will allow One Leisure to be more competitive in the local health and wellbeing marketplace. It will support the recent change to an improved online joining platform that is aimed at increasing the membership base but most importantly improving the customer journey and experience versus the competition. For example, three new memberships being “One Diamond,” “One Diamond Plus” and “Junior Membership” that will feature additional benefits, and be priced accordingly offering alternatives for customers, and reinforcing the long-term commercial sustainability of One Leisure. In addition, Members noted that any existing pre-paid or annual members will have their terms and conditions protected so that they can continue to enjoy their existing benefits from 1st April 2024.
Members attention was then drawn to the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, in particular the question from Councillor Harvey, it was clarified that the new Junior membership would address a gap in the current memberships by providing a membership for young people aged 11-15, as a membership for 15–18-year-olds was already in place. Whereas a number of One Leisure direct competitors did not particularly cater for young people other than a standard gym membership. Cabinet agreed that by launching the new Junior membership it will potentially allow more young people to use One Leisure facilities and partake in physical activity which helps to support the corporate plan by creating a better Huntingdonshire for future generations.
The Cabinet observed that introduction of new membership architecture will also provide One Leisure an opportunity to re-align its brand identity and extend its existing membership offer providing greater value for money aimed at increasing annual admissions, improving membership yield, and increasing overall revenue for One Leisure.
Cabinet agreed by re-defining the brand and introducing new membership packages and additional price points with added value, responding to customer feedback will allow One Leisure to respond to commercial and market trends and thus support the wider long term operating model of the leisure services and its move away from a financial subsidy.
Accordingly, the Cabinet
(a) that the re-brand of One Leisure’s existing membership architecture to support compatibility with its new online joining platform and to support wider improvements to customer service delivery be approved;
(b) that One Leisure re-align and modernise the membership architecture and pricing across all One Leisure sites be ... view the full minutes text for item 77
To receive the One Leisure Membership Architecture Proposal Report.
Executive Councillor: S Taylor
Contact: G Holland 07791 274315
Additional documents:
By means of a report and presentation by the Head of Leisure Services, (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), the One Leisure Membership Architecture Proposal was presented to the Panel.
The Panel heard, in response to a question from Councillor Shaw, that off peak times were classified as 9am – 5pm daily and that this included school holiday periods.
Following an enquiry from Councillor Harvey, it was clarified that the new Junior membership would address a gap in the current memberships by providing a membership for young people aged 11-15, as a membership for 15-18 year olds was already in place.
Following the discussion, it was
that the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel be passed to Cabinet for their consideration when making a decision upon the recommendations contained within the report.