To receive an Update on Alternative Land Management.
Executive Councillor: L Davenport-Ray
Contact: M Chudley 01480 388323
Additional documents:
By means of a presentation and report by the Operations Manager (Environmental Services) (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), an Update on the Alternative Land Management Scheme was presented to the Panel.
Councillor Bywater expressed surprise at the level of detail within the report and thanked the team for their work, a sentiment which was echoed by the Panel.
Councillor McAdam observed that education on the scheme was key to going forward in caring for the local environment and stated that he would pass on the detail to Huntingdon Town Council to allow them to better understand the scheme.
Following an enquiry from Councillor Hunt about the long term future for the scheme, the Panel heard that the short term plan is to implement and test the knowledge provided by the ecologists and improving communications with local organisations. The Panel heard that once the scheme is established, there are plans to work together with the BioDiversity team and local Councils to further roll out and develop the scheme across the district.