To receive an update on the Household Garden Waste Subscription Service.
Executive Councillor: S Taylor
Contact: A Rogan 01480 388082
By means of a report by the General Manager for Operations, (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), the Household Garden Waste Subscription Service Update was presented to the Panel.
Councillor Shaw enquired about the communications to date to inform residents that food waste could not go into the green bins from April. Following which the Panel were advised that bin hangers communicating this message would be in circulation imminently and would also contain a message of alternative methods to dispose of food waste.
In response to a further question from Councillor Alban on the subject of green waste in grey bins, the Panel heard that currently 41% of all waste within the grey bins is green waste. Data collected from neighbouring Councils who had already implemented green waste subscription services showed an average of 46% green waste within grey bins.
The Panel were advised following an additional question from Councillor Alban, that the change to the subscription service was not expected to have an impact on contracted staff but would reduce the Council’s dependency on agency staff.
The Panel heard that at a recent meeting of Hunts Waste Busters group wormeries were made by attendees to help with composting.