The Panel is to discuss the call-in of the Community Infrastructure Levy Spend Allocation Report.
Executive Councillor: T Sanderson
Contact: R Lyons 01480 388724
Additional documents:
Pursuant to Minute No 23/78 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny (Performance and Growth) Panel on 3rd April 2024, Members gave further consideration to the proposed Community Infrastructure Levy Spend Allocation, which had been approved by the Cabinet on 19th April 2024, but which had been called-in by Councillors Cawley, Corney, Gardener, Harvey and Martin. The Panel’s deliberations were assisted by a report by the Elections and Democratic Services Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book).
Following a question from Councillor Wells, the Panel heard that the CIL process was being redeveloped, and that this would be brought back to the Panel at a future date.
Councillor Martin noted that the information contained within the additional Appendix 3 was helpful when considering each application. It was confirmed to the Panel that the purpose of CIL was to unlock growth, applications were welcome to help develop and support communities and that some projects were the result of negotiations at a developer stage.
It was observed by Councillor Corney, that when CIL reports had previously been presented to the Panel, there had been the opportunity to discuss each large project application individually, as well as the main body of the report.
The Panel heard that in order to provide applicants with a timely answer, the team processed applications regularly, in the event of an unsuccessful application, or a change of circumstances, applicants were welcome to reapply and also to use feedback to reshape their bid if necessary. Following a question from Councillor Jennings, it was confirmed that feedback was provided within the reports submitted and that further feedback could be provided if requested by the applicant.
Further to a question by Councillor Gleadow, it was confirmed to the Panel that should an applicant make the team aware of time constraints or a threat to funding for their application, exceptional circumstances could be applied and an emergency discussion and decision could be made.
Councillor Harvey enquired about how growth was assessed in urban and rural areas, following which, the Panel heard that several factors were considered including the size of the settlement and the growth involved versus the size of the ask. In addition, Neighbourhood Plans and impact on surrounding areas were also considered to result in an evidence led approach. Following a further question from Councillor Harvey, the Panel were assured that applications were considered on a case by case basis.
Following the general discussion on the Community Infrastructure Levy Spend Allocation, the Panel then discussed each application in turn as per the Cabinet recommendations.
Hilton Pavilion (Appendix A)
The Panel had no comments to discuss in relation to this application.
Sawtry Pavilion (Appendix B)
Following a question from Councillor Martin, the Panel heard that the Elizabeth II Trust was a national trust that supports and protects that area and that their involvement would be required for any development of the site.
The Guardroom Community Hub, Bury (Appendix C)
Councillor Martin observed that the application was ... view the full minutes text for item 82