To receive a presentation updating the Panel on Home Energy.
Executive Councillor: L Davenport-Ray
Contact: A Beardshall 01480 388631
By means of a presentation by the Home Energy Reduction Officer, an update on Home Energy was presented to the Panel.
It was observed by Councillor Alban that not all of those living in fuel poverty would have technology available and that it would be helpful if Councillors could be provided with guidance on the topic to allow them to assist affected residents.
Councillor Bywater expressed concern about affected residents in private rented accommodation, following which, the Panel were assured that subject to Landlord compliance, there were schemes in place to help these residents.
Following a further question from Councillor Bywater, the Panel were assured that communications with parishes were already ongoing and that the team were constantly exploring ways to connect residents with solutions. The Panel also heard that if Councillors are able to identify affected residents or communities to the team, they can then engage and action from there.