To receive a report presenting details of delivery of Quarter 4 of the Corporate Plan 2023/24 and project delivery.
Executive Councillor: S Ferguson.
Contact: D Buckridge 01480 388065
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has considered and commented upon the progress and performance (as summarised in the Corporate Performance Report and detailed in Appendices A, B and C of the submitted report).
The Cabinet gave consideration to a report by the Business Intelligence and Performance Manager and the Performance and Data Analyst (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) on the Council’s progress with Corporate Plan actions, operational performance measures, corporate project delivery and the Contextual Outcome Measure dashboard. Members’ attention was particularly drawn to the figures for homelessness prevention and the time taken to process new claims for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support, the number of affordable homes delivered and the improvement in Business Rates collection against the target.
Councillor Davenport-Ray expressed approval of the position reported relating to affordable housing and of the openness and transparency demonstrated by the projects and programmes update. Following a question by Councillor Taylor, the Corporate Director (People) stated that the pilot to support residents when they first arrived in the District focussed on key services at an important stage of their lives. Monthly updates would be compiled on referrals made through the project.
Having also commented on the position relating to affordable housing, Councillor Wakeford went on to outline his view that targets should be challenging but realistic. In that context the Leader congratulated Officer teams on their performance but stressed the need when necessary to communicate clearly why some targets needed to be flexible. Whereupon, it was
that the report be received and noted.