The Panel is to receive a presentation providing an update on Civil Parking Enforcement in Huntingdonshire.
Executive Councillor: S Taylor
Contact: G McDowell 01480 388386
By means of a presentation by the Operations Manager – Parking and Market Services (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), Civil Parking Enforcement in Huntingdonshire was presented to the Panel.
In response to questions from Councillor Criswell, the Panel were assured that a remedial works package was in progress and that this would be completed by the start of the Enforcement. It was further clarified that this would be funded by the District Council, with a proportionate contribution from the County Council in line with amounts awarded to other District Councils within the County. The Panel heard that the District Council were committed to investing in this area in order to bring it up to scratch but that long term the responsibility for this would remain with the County Council.
Following concerns expressed by Councillor Bywater, the Panel were assured that this was a five year contract and that a review would be undertaken in year four to make an informed decision as to whether to renew the terms or to hand back to the County Council.
The Panel heard, following an enquiry by Councillor Alban, that the District Council had some enforcement powers and that other enforcement would be actioned by Cambridgeshire Constabulary, depending upon the area and type of restrictions.
In response to further questions from Councillor Alban and Councillor Shaw, the Panel were advised that the current maps were in the process of being digitised and that more detail would be provided to the Panel through the democratic process in due course.
Following a question from Councillor Mokbul, the Panel were advised that revenue from on street parking belonged to the County Council but that it was ringfenced to be reinvested in Highways projects.
It was clarified to the Panel, following a question from Councillor Shaw that the District Council were responsible for resident parking permits throughout the district and that there was not a specific business permit.