The Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy Principles are to be presented to the Panel.
Executive Councillor: B Pitt
Contact: O Morley 01480 388103
Additional documents:
By means of a report and presentation by the Corporate Director (People) (copies of which were appended in the Minute Book), the Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy Principles were presented to the Panel.
In response to comments from Councillor Hunt, the Panel were advised that this Strategy would look to embed the factors within the community which would assist in establishing good mental health. The Panel also heard that the Strategy would be realistic in what the Council could have a direct impact and influence on, with the example being given of a focus on physical activity rather than health which would be lead by partners.
Following a question from Councillor Lowe on the lack of NHS dentists within the district, the Panel were advised that this was an area which had been raised as a concern with local health partners and that the Council would continue to do so.
In response to a question from Councillor Shaw, the Panel heard that local spending would encourage local commercial opportunities. The Strategy would look at ways to help develop pathways to ensure that the correct people were in the correct jobs and that they would be proactive with training and opportunities.
Councillor Mokbul expressed concern about the continued closure of the One Leisure creche facilities being a barrier to customers returning to the facilities post covid. The panel heard that accessibility was essential but that the facilities also needed to be financially sustainable. Councillor Mokbul also observed that there was a stigma around mental health issues within South Asian communities. The Panel heard that the team would continue to develop communications to ensure that they reached as many residents as possible.