To receive a report from the Corporate Director (People) on the proposed Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy.
Executive Councillor: B Pitt.
Contact: O Morley - (01480) 388103
Additional documents:
The Cabinet has commented and supported the:
(a) proposed Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy;
(b) creation of a Community Health and Wealth Delivery Fund to support the delivery of the Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy, subject to approval of a detailed proposal on the detailed operation of the fund; and
(c) continued community engagement and co-production activity to inform the delivery of the strategy.
With the aid of a report by the Corporate Director (People), the Cabinet gave consideration to a proposed Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy and the creation of a supporting Community Health and Wealth Delivery Fund. The report also sought support for an enduring programme of “Community co-production” which would support the delivery of the proposed strategy and fund.
In introducing the report, the Executive Councillor for Communities, Health and Leisure outlined the background to the proposed strategy which aimed to improve the quality of life for local people, the Council’s first priority in its Corporate Plan. The proposed objectives of the Strategy were noted as follows:
§ to improve physical and mental health via supporting an increase in physical activity;
§ to support social connection and sense of community;
§ to support economic resilience via a focus on employment and skills and barriers to this.
The Executive Councillor for Communities, Health and Leisure then went on to provide detail on the community co-production sessions which had been held over the summer with further sessions scheduled in September and planned for October 2024. The views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environment, Communities & Partnerships) were then discussed which were largely in support of the proposals.
In response to a question raised by the Executive Councillor for Parks and Countryside, Waste and Street Scene regarding the means by which the Strategy would be evaluated, the Executive Councillor for Communities, Health and Leisure commented that work was yet to be undertaken in this respect but that focus would be placed upon delivering key tangible outcomes. The Corporate Director (People) commented upon the duty of the Council to be accountable and transparent to its residents and stakeholders and assured the Cabinet that all projects would be monitored going forward. In noting that the Council would continue to engage with key partners, stakeholders and communities to deliver the objectives of the Strategy, the Cabinet
(a) to support the proposed Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy;
(b) to support the creation of a Community Health and Wealth Delivery Fund to support the delivery of the Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy, subject to approval of a detailed proposal on the detailed operation of the fund; and
(c) to support the continued community engagement and co-production activity to inform the delivery of the strategy.
The Panel is invited to comment on the Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy.
Executive Councillor: Councillor B Pitt
Contact: O Morley 01480 388103
Additional documents:
By means of a report and presentation by the Corporate Director (People) (copies of which were appended in the Minute Book), the Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy was presented to the Panel.
Councillor Hassall expressed his view that he believed the money reserved for the fund would be better invested into Business As Usual operations within the Council. He felt that prioritising and getting the basics right, residents and communities would both benefit and that third party funding would be better placed to fund the ambitions of the Strategy. The Panel heard that the Strategy and Fund would be fulfilling a recommendation identified by the Corporate Peer Challenge, to properly appropriately resource the delivery of the Hunts Futures Strategy and it was observed that the available money would be used as seed funding to create a lasting legacy for the district and would be a good investment for the funds.
Councillor Hunt expressed his support for the Strategy and felt that it could have a meaningful impact on local communities. The Panel heard that following the approval of the Strategy, a programme would be developed to add more detail and criteria and that this would be presented back to the Panel in the new year.
Councillor Shaw also expressed his support for the Strategy and observed that if the Council were aiming to use local suppliers and businesses whether those businesses were also required to source locally to ensure investment remained within the district where possible. The Panel heard that the Council were aiming to maximise opportunities with local businesses and would be influencing their partners to do the same, with the example of the redevelopment of Hinchingbrooke Hospital being give as an example which could bring huge benefits for the local economy both during redevelopment and also once established. Following a further question from Councillor Shaw, the Panel heard that the Council were working with partners to encourage local recruitment for local jobs.
Councillor Bywater, welcomed the approach and the progress that has been made over recent years, observing that the kind of adaptability and change this will support are positives, and expressed his support for the Strategy.
Whereupon it was
that the Panel’s comments would be communicated to the Cabinet in order for an informed decision to be made on the report recommendations.