Venue: Civic Suite, Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street, Huntingdon PE29 3TN
Contact: Mrs Beccy Buddle, Democratic Services Officer (Scrutiny), Tel No. 01480 388008/e-mail
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Growth) meeting held on 4th December 2024. Contact: B Buddle 01480 388008 |
MEMBERS' INTERESTS To receive from Members declarations as to disclosable pecuniary and other interests in relation to any Agenda item. Contact: B Buddle 01480 388008 |
OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME a) The Panel are to receive the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme b) Members to discuss future planning of items for the Work Programme
Contact: B Buddle 01480 388008 Additional documents: |
QUESTIONS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS To note the responses to questions arising from previous meetings. Contact: B Buddle 01480 388008 |
The Panel is invited to comment on the 2025/26 Revenue Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy (2026/27 to 2029/30) including the Capital Programme.
Executive Cllr: B Mickelburgh Contact: S Jones 01480 388214 Additional documents:
2025/26 TREASURY MANAGEMENT, CAPITAL AND INVESTMENT STRATEGIES The Panel is invited to comment on the 2025/26 Treasury Management, Capital and Investment Strategies.
Executive Cllr: B Mickelburgh Contact: S Jones 01480 388214 Additional documents: