Venue: Civic Suite, Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street, Huntingdon PE29 3TN
Contact: Mrs Beccy Buddle, Democratic Services Officer (Scrutiny), Tel No. 01480 388008/e-mail
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Growth) meeting held on 4th September 2024. Contact: B Buddle 01480 388008 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 4th September 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
MEMBERS' INTERESTS To receive from Members declarations as to disclosable pecuniary and other interests in relation to any Agenda item. Contact: B Buddle 01480 388008 Minutes: No declarations were received. |
OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME a) The Panel are to receive the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme b) Members to discuss future planning of items for the Work Programme
Contact: B Buddle 01480 388008 Additional documents: Minutes: With the aid of a report by the Democratic Services Officer (Scrutiny) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme and the current Notice of Key Executive Decisions which had been prepared by the Leader for the period 1st October 2024 to 31st January 2025 were presented to the Panel.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION CORPORATE PEER CHALLENGE The Panel is to receive an update on the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge.
Executive Councillor: S Conboy Contact: M Sacks 01480 388116 Additional documents: Minutes: By means of a report by the Corporate Director (Place) (a copy of which was appended in the Minute Book), the Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge Report was presented to the Panel.
It was clarified to the Panel, following a query from Councillor Wells, that Recommendation 7 was marked as amber status and paused whilst the Overview and Scrutiny Panels undertook a period of self scrutiny and development following recent training.
Councillor Catmur observed that the word ensure had been used in abundance throughout the document and felt that as the definition of this word is to guarantee this was potentially misleading in it’s intentions. The Panel were advised that this was a stylistic choice by the LGA and would feed this back. It was assumed that this wording had been used to underline the seriousness of the recommendations, which was taken on board by the Council.
It was observed by Councillor Blackwell, that several action timescales were to be confirmed as well as actions assigned to vacant posts. The Panel were assured that the details on this would be clarified and developed once the recruitment process had been completed and that actions would be redistributed across the project team as appropriate.
Following questions from Councillor Gleadow and Councillor Jennings the Panel were assured that there was a long term vision for the Council and that this would continue regardless of the political landscape. The current administration were aware that they were custodians of the vision and that the evolving structure would be fit for an incoming administration to continue. It was noted that there was continual evolution within local government and by developing a dynamic structure the organisation would be reactive to change, regardless of the administration, whilst still striving to achieve the long term aims for the best interests of residents.
The Panel were further assured, following an additional question from Councillor Gleadow that a robust Communications Plan was in place and that this would focus equally on internal and external communications. It was noted that there would be changes in how the Council engages with the public and that there would be opportunities to ask residents what they want and to develop how this aligns with the Council’s plans. Councillors were also encouraged to bring concerns of the public forward and that there would be opportunities to develop this within the Scrutiny process.
It was observed by Councillor Gardener, that it would be helpful to see regular updates on the progress and development of the action plan at Scrutiny. It was agreed that this would be a productive way forward. The Panel also heard that climate resilience would be built into the ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |