Venue: Council Chamber, Pathfinder House, St Mary's Street, Huntingdon PE29 3TN
Contact: Mrs H Taylor, Senior Democratic Services Officer, Tel No. 01480 388008/e-mail
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 1st February 2007 Contact: Mrs H Taylor 388008 Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 1st February 2007 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Members' Interests To receive Members’ declarations as to personal and/or prejudicial interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any Agenda Item. Please see notes 1 and 2 below.
Minutes: No declarations were received. |
A14 Ellington to Fen ditton - further public consultation PDF 39 KB With the assistance of a report by the Head of Planning Services, to consider a response to the Highways Agency consultation document on the proposed improvements to the A14 between Ellington and Fen Ditton.
Contact: S Bell 388387 Additional documents:
Decision: The Council was recommended
a) subject to the Highways Agency consideration of the best alignment and environmental solution for Brampton between the Orange and Brown routes to the west of the A1 as outlined in the report now submitted, to support the Orange Route as part of the current A14 Ellington to Fen Ditton Further Public Consultation;
b) to reject the Blue route, including variation 2, on the grounds of their detrimental unacceptable impacts on both Brampton and Fenstanton, and
c) to reject the Brown route on the grounds of the potential impacts on the Buckden North and South Landfill and associated issues that may arise from the adoption of that element of the route. Minutes: With the aid of a report by the Head of Planning Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered the Council’s response to consultation by the Highways Agency on proposed improvements to the A14 between Ellington and Fen Ditton. Executive Councillors were reminded of the Council's earlier consideration of the proposals and the circumstances that had led to a further round of consultation being undertaken.
In considering key issues in respect of each of the route options, the Cabinet took into account the views of the Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Service Support) expressed at its meeting on 13th February 2007 and submissions by Hilton Parish Council, Godmanchester Town Council and the Offords A14 Action Group.
Members commented that the improvements should form part of a comprehensive package of transport measures, that as far as possible their effects on the environment should be mitigated and that dedicated routes for local traffic should be provided. In addition, it was stressed that contingency measures for traffic should be put in place during construction works and that the Council’s response should make clear that the area was prone to flooding and that the proposals should continue to provide suitable intersections with footpaths and bridleways.
On a related matter Executive Councillors expressed the view that that the Council should continue to lobby for the A428 to be upgraded. Whereupon, it was
that the Council be RECOMMENDED
(a) subject to consideration by the Highways Agency of the best alignment and environmental solution for Brampton between the Orange and Brown routes to the west of the A1 as outlined in the report now submitted, to support the adoption of the Orange Route;
(b) to reject the Blue route, including variation 2, on the grounds of their unacceptable detrimental impacts on both Brampton and Fenstanton;
(c) to reject the Brown route on the grounds of the potential impacts on the Buckden North and South landfill and associated issues that may arise from the adoption of that element of the route as outlined in the report now submitted;
(d) to authorise the Director of Operational Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Environment and Transport, to submit a formal response to the consultation to the Highways Agency; and
(e) to authorise the Director of Operational Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Environment and Transport, to agree a statement of principles with other Cambridgeshire stakeholders as a joint position statement for submission to the Highways Agency. |