Contact: Mrs Lisa Jablonska, Elections and Democratic Services Manager, Tel No. 01223 739952 / e-mail
Note: Annual Meeting
No. | Item | ||
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN To elect a Chairman of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year. Minutes: Councillor R J West was proposed by Councillor K P Gulson, seconded by Councillor M L Beuttell and upon being put the vote the Motion by Councillor Gulson was declared to be LOST. It was proposed by Councillor S J Conboy, seconded by Councillor S Wakeford and upon being put to the vote it was further
that Councillor M J Burke be elected Chair of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Councillor Burke made the Statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd February 2022. Minutes: Subject to the inclusion of Councillor T D Alban in the list of attendees, the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 23rd February 2022 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
MEMBERS' INTERESTS To receive from Members declarations as to disclosable pecuniary, other registerable and non-registerable interests in relation to any Agenda item. See Notes below. Contact: 2 Minutes. Minutes: No declarations were received.
APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIRMAN To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year. Minutes: Councillor K P Gulson was proposed by Councillor R J West, seconded by Councillor S Bywater and upon being put the vote the Motion by Councillor West was declared to be LOST. It was proposed by Councillor T D Sanderson, seconded by Councillor L Davenport-Ray and upon being put to the vote it was further
that Councillor S R McAdam be appointed Vice-Chair of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Councillor McAdam made the Statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
LOCAL ELECTIONS - 5 MAY 2022 PDF 111 KB To receive a report by the Returning Officer summarising the results of the District Council elections held on 5th May 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: (Councillor J Neish joined the meeting at 7.19pm.)
The report of the Returning Officer with regard to the District Council elections held on 5 May 2022 detailing persons elected to the Office of District Councillor was received and noted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book). In so doing the Chairman welcomed the newly elected and returning councillors to the Council. Councillor S J Conboy echoed these sentiments and the smooth running of proceedings that was exemplary and asked that her thanks be conveyed to the Teams involved. Councillor T D Sanderson also commented upon the efficiency and expressed his gratitude to Jo Lancaster, Lisa Jablonska, her Teams and the polling staff engaged on the day. He also thanked the candidates who were standing for the election and their hard work, as well as congratulating the successful candidates and the councillors who did not seek re-election and those that were unsuccessful.
Councillor J A Gray conveyed his congratulations to the new Chairman and Vice-Chairman and extended a warm welcome to the new and returning Members. He further paid tribute to the departing and retiring Members and calculated that this added up to 73 years of service amongst them. The departing Members included former Councillors L A Besley, G J Bull, A Dickinson, P L R Gaskin, H V Masson, D M Tysoe and R G Tuplin. The defeated Members included R D’Souza, D J Mead, L W McGuire, A Roberts and C Smith. He placed on record his personal tribute and gratitude to former Councillor R Fuller, outgoing and youngest Executive Leader of the District Council and referred to his tremendous leadership for the authority throughout the pandemic, as well as knowledge of the District Council and demonstrated that he truly cared about the District and this Council.
In thanking Council staff for the efficient and impressive level of proceedings in the running of the election, Councillor S Wakeford paid tribute to former Councillor Fuller whose heart and dedication was clear to all Members and during the Covid pandemic he went beyond what he was expected to do. He was aware of events, but also open to views being expressed as well as ensuring Members understood what was going on even when the law placed restrictions in the way. Councillor S Wakeford concluded by placing on record his gratitude to former Councillor Fuller on behalf of all the other Group Leaders. |
ELECTION OF EXECUTIVE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL To elect the Executive Leader of the Council.
(NB: The Executive Leader is elected by the Council from among its membership for a four year term or until the Member’s term of office comes to an end as a Councillor, he/she resigns from office or he/she is removed from office by the Council). Minutes: Councillor J A Gray was proposed by Councillor J Neish, seconded by Councillor S Bywater and upon being put the vote the Motion by Councillor Neish was declared to be LOST. It was proposed by Councillor T D Sanderson, seconded by Councillor S Wakeford and
that Councillor S J Conboy be elected Executive Leader of the Council for the period to the Annual Meeting in May 2026.
Councillor Conboy referred to the historic day for Huntingdonshire, with the change in political administration for the first time in 47 years. Member’s attention was drawn to a Joint Administration Agreement that had been signed and supported by Leaders of the HDC Independent Group, Liberal Democrat Group, Labour Group and Green Group. The priorities of the Joint Administration in achieving their priorities would be focusing on enhancing employment opportunities and supporting businesses, supporting the needs of the residents, improving the housing situation, strengthening our communities and tackling climate change and caring for the environment.
In acknowledging the ongoing financial pressures, Councillor Conboy concluded that the new Joint Administration had real drive to make Huntingdonshire a great place to live and to look after it for future residents by working together to make a greener future for Huntingdonshire. |
APPOINTMENT OF CABINET AND DEPUTY EXECUTIVE LEADER The Executive Leader to announce the names of –
(a) a maximum of nine Councillors who shall be Members of the Cabinet; and (b) a Deputy Executive Leader who shall be a Member of the Cabinet.
(NB: The Deputy Executive Leader is appointed by the Executive Leader until the end of the term of office of the Executive Leader, he/she resigns from the office or he/she is removed from office by the Executive Leader). Minutes: The Executive Leader, Councillor S J Conboy, announced that she had appointed Councillors L Davenport-Ray, S W Ferguson, M A Hassall, B A Mickelburgh, B M Pitt and T D Sanderson, S L Taylor and S Wakeford to join her as Members of the Cabinet for the remainder of the Municipal Year. She also announced that Councillor T D Sanderson would be the Deputy Executive Leader and Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet.
REPRESENTATION OF POLITICAL GROUPS ON DISTRICT COUNCIL COMMITTEES, ETC PDF 158 KB To consider a report by the Elections and Democratic Services Manager on the representation of political groups on Committees, etc in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and the District Council’s Constitution. (TO FOLLOW). Additional documents: Minutes: A report was submitted by the Elections and Democratic Services Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) relating to the principles and proportionality to be applied to the appointment of Committees and Panels in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and Part II of the Local Government Act 2000.
Whereupon, it was
that the allocation of seats on District Council Committees and Panels to political groups and non-aligned Members be determined as set out in the report now submitted.
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance & Growth) 12 Members.
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Customers & Partnerships) 12 Members. Minutes: RESOLVED
that the following Members be appointed to the Overview and Scrutiny Panels for the ensuing Municipal Year.
COMMITTEES To appoint to:-
Development Management Committee 16 Members (to include 1 Member of the Cabinet).
Corporate Governance Committee 12 Members.
Licensing Committee 12 Members (to include 1 Member of the Cabinet).
Licensing & Protection Committee 12 Members (to include 1 Member of the Cabinet).
Employment Committee 8 Members (to include 1 Member of the Cabinet).
Senior Officers Committee 5 Members (4 Members of the Council and the relevant Executive Councillor in relation to the post to be filled).
Appeals Sub-Group 15 Members (a pool of Members from which the Elections and Democratic Services Manager is authorised to convene a meeting of the Appeals Sub Committee comprising up to 5 members [excluding Members of the Employment Committee and the Senior Officers Committee to determine appeals under the Council’s disciplinary and appeals procedure).
(a) that Members be appointed to serve on the Corporate Governance, Development Management, Employment, Licensing and Protection, Licensing and Senior Officers Committees for the ensuing Municipal Year as follows:-
Corporate Governance Committee (12)
Councillors A M Blackwell, E R Butler, J Clarke, J A Gray, J E Harvey, P J Hodgson-Jones, S A Howell, P Kadewere, T D Sanderson, I P Taylor, N Wells and R J West.
Development Management Committee (16)
Councillors R J Brereton, E R Butler, L Davenport-Ray, D B Dew, I D Gardener, K P Gulson, P A Jordan, C A Lowe, S R McAdam, D L Mickelburgh, S Mokbul, J Neish, T D Sanderson, R A Slade, C H Tevlin, S Wakeford and this includes the Executive Councillor Member with appropriate portfolio responsibilities in an ex officio capacity.
Employment Committee (8)
Councillors A M Blackwell, S Cawley, C M Gleadow, P A Jordan, D N Keane, B A Mickelburgh, S L Taylor, R J West and includes the Executive Councillor Member with appropriate portfolio responsibilities in an ex officio capacity.
Licensing and Protection Committee (12)
Councillors B S Banks, J Clarke, S Corney, S J Criswell, Ms A Diaz, Ms A Dickinson, Mrs S Giles, Mrs P A Jordan, L W McGuire, D J Mead, Ms P E Shrapnel and the Executive Councillor Member with appropriate portfolio responsibilities in an ex officio capacity.
Licensing Committee (12)
Councillors B S Banks, M L Beuttell, J Clarke, A E Costello, S J Criswell, S A Howell, A R Jennings, P A Jordan, P Kadewere, B M Pitt, D Terry, C H Tevlin and includes the Executive Councillor Member with appropriate portfolio responsibilities in an ex officio capacity.
Senior Officers Committee (4)
Councillors S Cawley, J A Gray, P A Jordan and T D Sanderson.
(b) That the following Members be nominated from which the Elections and Democratic Services Manager be authorised when necessary, to convene a meeting of the Appeals Sub-Group in include up to five Members (excluding Members of the Employment Committee) to determine appeals under the Council’s disciplinary and appeals procedures –
Councillors B S Banks, A M Blackwell, S Bywater, S Corney, A E Costello, S Criswell, L Davenport-Ray, S W Ferguson, N J Hunt, D N Keane, P J Hodgson-Jones, T D Sanderson, D J Shaw, C H Tevlin and S Wakeford.
APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM SECTION 151 OFFICER PDF 200 KB To consider a report seeking approval to the approval of an interim Section 151 Officer for the Council. Minutes: With the assistance of a report by the Elections and Democratic Services Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) regarding the legislative duty placed on the Council to appoint a Section 151 Officer, the Council were advised by the Managing Director that the position had been elevated to a more senior position in the staffing structure that had recently been recruited to. Whereupon, it was
that Philip Simpkins be appointed as the Council’s Section 151 Officer on an interim basis with immediate effect until the formal appointment of a permanent Officer in post.
CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND PETERBOROUGH COMBINED AUTHORITY MEMBERSHIP AND OTHER APPOINTMENTS PDF 212 KB To consider a report detailing appointments to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority for the 2022/23 Municipal Year. Additional documents:
Minutes: With the assistance of a report by the Managing Director (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), Council were invited to make appointments/ nominations to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority for the 2022/23 Municipal Year.
Having noted that the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny and the Audit Committees was required to reflect the balance of political parties of the constituent councils and an amendment to (a) proposed by Councillor S Wakeford, seconded by Councillor T D Sanderson, it was
(a) that Councillor S J Conboy, Executive Leader of Council be appointed to act as the Council's appointee to the Combined Authority and Councillor T D Sanderson be appointed as the substitute member and the Managing Director be authorised to make any amendments during the course of the year as required, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and Assistant Leader;
(b) the Councillors D B Dew and M A Hassall be nominated to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, with Councillors J Neish and B A Mickelburgh nominated as substitutes;
(c) that Councillor S Corney be nominated to the Audit and Governance Committee, with Councillor M L Beuttell as the substitute member; and
(d) that the Managing Director be authorised to make any amendments to the appointments to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Audit and Governance Committee in consultation with the Executive Leader, should the political balance be amended by the Combined Authority between now and the next Council meeting.
The meeting ended at 7.35pm. |