Contact: Mrs Lisa Jablonska, Elections and Democratic Services Manager, Tel No. 01480 388004 / e-mail
No. | Item |
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Councillor M A Hassall to open the meeting with a ‘Thought for the Day’. Minutes: A ‘Thought for the Day’ was presented by Councillor M A Hassall. |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th December 2023. Contact: 2 Minutes. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the 13th December 2023 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
MEMBERS' INTERESTS To receive from Members declarations as to disclosable pecuniary, other registerable and non - registerable interests in relation to any Agenda item. See Notes below. Contact: 2 Minutes. Minutes: No declarations were received.
CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR'S ENGAGEMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PDF 73 KB To note the Chair and Vice-Chair’s engagements and announcements since the last Council meeting.
Contact: 5 Minutes. Minutes: The Chair referred to the recent death of former District Councillor L W McGuire who had served as a District Councillor from 2007 until 2010 and then between 2018 and 2022 as Ward Councillor for Yaxley. During his second term he had served as Chair of both the Corporate Governance Committee and Licencing and Protection Committees. He was also appointed Vice-Chair and then Chair of the Council in May 2021. Councillor McGuire was currently the longest serving member of Cambridgeshire County Council serving from 1985 to 1992 and again from 1997 until the time of his passing. As well as being a long serving and dedicated member of Cambridgeshire Fire Authority. He had been granted the status of Honorary Alderman at a meeting of Cambridgeshire County Council on 13 February 2024 in recognition of his achievements. Following tributes from Councillors T D Alban, J A Gray, S J Conboy, T D Sanderson, Members then observed a moments silence in memory of the former Councillor.
The Council then noted those engagements attended by the Chair and Vice-Chair since the last meeting (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book).
QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To answer any questions submitted by the public in accordance with the Constitution.
The deadline for the receipt of public questions is five days prior to the meeting and must be submitted to the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: The Chair reported that there had been no public questions received by the deadline for consideration by the Council. |
FINAL 2024/25 REVENUE BUDGET AND MEDIUM-TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY (2025/26 TO 2028/29) PDF 180 KB The Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources, Councillor B Mickelburgh to present for approval –
v The 2024/25 Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for the period 2025/26 to 2028/29 v The Fees and Charges Schedule for 2024/25 v The Treasury Management Strategy, the Capital Strategy and the Investment Strategy including the annual prudential indicators for 2024/25 v The Annual Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement2024.25 v The formal resolution to determine the Council Tax for 2024/25.
In accordance with Section 30 (2) of the Local Government Act 1992, the Council will be required to approve resolutions as to the levels of Council Tax in 2024/25.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, the Council will be asked to resolve that a recorded vote be taken on the conclusion on the debate on this item.
The reports were considered by the Cabinet at their meeting on 6th February 2024 and it was agreed that they should be recommended to Council for approval).
(The Leader of the Opposition will have a right of reply).
15 Minutes Presentation 45 Minutes Debate and Questions Contact: 60 Minutes. Additional documents:
Minutes: In conjunction with a report by the Director of Finance and Resources and a PowerPoint presentation (copies of which are appended in the Minute Book), Councillor B A Mickelburgh, Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources presented to Members the 2024/25 Budget, the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for the period 2025/26 to 2028/29, the Fees and Charges Schedule for 2024/25, the Treasury Management Strategy, the Capital Strategy, the Investment Strategy, the Annual Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement for 2024/25 and other associated matters for the Council’s consideration and approval.
In accordance with Section 30 (2) of the Local Finance Act 1992, the Council also considered proposals for levels of Council Tax in 2024/25 for various parts of Huntingdonshire District.
By way of introduction, the Executive Councillor explained that the Treasury Management Strategy was largely structured by government regulation and was very similar to the previous year. Members were informed that there had been an increase in some of the financial transaction limits, including the limits with banks and local authorities and money market funds. This would facilitate a wider range of financial transactions and make a broader range of Environmental, Society, Governance Investments available.
In terms of the Council Tax resolution, Members attention was drawn to the proposed increase of 3.21% or £5 a year in Council Tax for 2024/25. This was compared to the rate of inflation which started at 7.8% in the previous year and currently stood at 4.2%. Both figures were currently higher than the proposed increase.
With regards to the proposed Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy, Councillor Mickelburgh reiterated his previous observations that a budget should be no more than the administrative allocation of resources based on the need to provide services.
Councillor Mickelburgh then drew attention to two new amounts set aside for investment and one which had been carried across from previous years. Members were informed that the first was a £1m pot for developing ideas that would generate future income or savings. Ideas to be funded from this reserve would be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel once business plans had been generated and evaluated. A further pot of reserved funds had been set aside for use toward the Council’s Workforce Strategy, to implement what is proposed and affordable.
The Council were informed that the Administration would continue to place New Homes Bonus into the Commercial Investment Reserve but investment in commercial property had been paused as the Council’s commercial assets were returning a low yield. Councillor Mickelburgh went on to announce that discussions regarding the Council’s commercial investments would be opened to all Members of the Council, to enable a more transparent and democratic investment decision making process.
The Council’s attention was then drawn to some of the successes achieved by the Administration’s responsible management of the budget, including the utilisation of 22% less gas within Council buildings, support offered to residents to make similar financial and carbon savings, the Council Tax Support Scheme, the protection of existing levels of support for ... view the full minutes text for item 56. |
PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2024-25 PDF 117 KB In compliance with the requirements of Sections 38-43 of the Localism Act 2011, the Executive Councillor for Climate and Environment, Councillor L Davenport-Ray to present the Pay Policy Statement to the Council for approval.
(The Statement was endorsed by the Employment Committee at their meeting on 7th February 2024 and it was agreed that it should be recommended to Council for approval). Contact: 5 Minutes. Minutes: In compliance with the requirements of Sections 38-43 of the Localism Act 2011, Councillor L Davenport-Ray the Executive Councillor for Climate and Environment presented a report by the Strategic HR Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) in connection with the District Council’s Pay Policy Statement for 2024/25.
The Statement, which is required to be approved by Council by 31st March 2024 and produced annually, details the Council’s policies relating to Officer remuneration.
Having noted that the Statement had been endorsed by the Employment Committee at the meeting on the 7th February 2024, it, was moved by Councillor L Davenport-Ray, duly seconded by Councillor C Gleadow and
that the Pay Policy Statement for 2024/25 be approved.
LEAD AND DEPUTY INDEPENDENT PERSONS PDF 97 KB Councillor N J Wells, Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee to present a report seeking the appointment of a Lead Independent Person for a two-year period to 30th April 2026.
(The report was considered by the Corporate Governance Committee at their meeting on 24th January 2024 who recommended that Council should approve the proposed appointment).
Contact: 5 Minutes. Minutes: In conjunction with consideration of the item at the meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee on 24th January 2024, the Chair of the Committee, Councillor N Wells presented to the Council a report by the Elections and Democratic Services Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) seeking the re-appointment of the Lead Independent Person for a further two-year period.
Councillor Wells reminded Members that in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, it was necessary for the Council to appoint one or more Independent Persons for the purpose of dealing with allegations under the Members Code of Conduct and any disciplinary proceedings against the Council’s Statutory Officers.
The Council were then acquainted with the background to the proposed re-appointment and noted that the agreement of the current Independent Person to continue in their role had been obtained. Recruitment for a new Deputy Independent Person would take place during 2024 and Councillor P Hodgson-Jones emphasised that this should take place at the earliest opportunity.
Whereupon it was moved by Councillor N Wells and seconded by Councillor S J Conboy and
that the re-appointment of Mrs Gillian Holmes to the post of Lead Independent Person be reaffirmed for a further two-year period to 30th April 2026 without the need for further ratification each year by the Council at its Annual Meeting.
POLLING DISTRICTS AND POLLING PLACES REVIEW - 2024 PDF 107 KB Councillor N J Wells, Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee to present the outcome of the recent review of polling districts and places for approval.
(The report was considered by the Corporate Governance Committee at their meeting on 24th January 2024 who recommended that Council should approve the schedule). Contact: 10 Minutes. Additional documents:
Minutes: Having regard to a report by the Elections and Democratic Services Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), the Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee, Councillor N Wells, acquainted Members with details of the outcome of a review of polling districts and polling places as required by Section 16 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006.
In discussing the content of the report, Councillor T Alban expressed his appreciation for the efforts which had been made to locate a permanent station in the village of Conington and a request was made by Councillor A Jennings to change the descriptor for the Polling District EN.
Whereupon having been moved by Councillor N Wells and seconded by Councillor P A Jordan, it was
that the Schedule of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2024 as appended to the report now submitted be approved.
(At 21.12 Councillor D B Dew left the meeting and did not return).
QUESTIONS TO MEMBERS OF THE CABINET In accordance with the Council Procedure Rules, all questions –
1. Must be relevant to an item which the Council has powers or duties; 2. Must not relate to an item which is include elsewhere on the Agenda. 3. Should be limited to obtaining information or pressing for action; and 4. Should not exceed two minutes in duration.
Questions should not divulge or require to be divulged, confidential or exempt information. Contact: 15 Minutes. Minutes: With reference to a recent unsuccessful grant application by Sawtry Swimming Pool to the second phase of a government scheme, Councillor S Bywater sought further information from the Executive Councillor for Leisure, Waste and Street Scene as to the measures the District Council intended to take to support residents in Sawtry and surrounding villages to access swimming facilities. He also enquired how the District Council planned to enhance swimming opportunities for children these areas. Councillor S L Taylor undertook to respond further outside of the meeting once she had discussed the matter with the Head of Leisure.
In response to a question from Councillor C A Lowe regarding conservation areas within the District, the Executive Councillor for Planning was asked whether there was a need to recruit additional staff given that the current Conservation Officer was only a part-time position. Councillor T D Sanderson undertook to respond in writing outside of the meeting.
In response to a request from Councillor J Kerr for an update on the Development Management Committee’s statistics and figures, the Executive Councillor for Planning was pleased to report on an improved performance within the January 2024 figures.
With reference to the 2024/25 Budget which had just been approved, Councillor T D Alban requested further information from the Executive Councillor for Leisure, Waste and Street Scene on the measures which were being proposed to increase actual and budgeted income in One Leisure. In response to which, Councillor S L Taylor reported that a report on options would be forthcoming to the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environment, Communities and Partnerships) on 7th March 2024 and Councillor Alban indicated that he was content to discuss this matter further at this meeting.
In response to a question from Councillor C H Tevlin regarding the reasons for the delay of the Hinchingbrooke Park Project and the expected timeline for completion, the Executive Councillor for Leisure, Waste and Street Scene explained that the main reason for the delay was the need to be biodiversity net gain compliant. It was now anticipated that the planning application would be presented to the Development Control Committee in Autumn 2024, with final completion in Autumn 2026. The Executive Councillor emphasised the need for the District Councill to lead by example with regards to biodiversity net gain and suggested that further discussions should be held at the Hinchingbrooke Country Park Joint Group.
In response to a request for an update on the renegotiation of the 3C contract, the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources, Councillor B Mickelburgh reported that preliminary discussions had started but it was not possible to give a detailed update at this stage. He would be attending a meeting the following week to progress this further. Councillor R Martin also suggested that the matter should be brought to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel for discussion in confidential session at the earliest opportunity.
With reference to previous comments regarding the installation of solar PV Panels at Ramsey, Councillor C A Lowe enquired ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND PETERBOROUGH COMBINED AUTHORITY - UPDATE PDF 395 KB Councillor S J Conboy, Executive Leader to present on the activities of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
Councillors M A Hassall and J Neish to provide an update on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor S J Corney to provide an update on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Audit and Governance Committee.
Electronic links to the decision summaries are attached to the Agenda for information. These include the Transport and Infrastructure, Skills and Employment and Sustainable Communities Committees.
This item provides an opportunity for District Council Members to ask questions and comment on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority issues.
If Members wish to raise questions or issues requiring a detailed response, it would be helpful if they can provide advance notice. Contact: 20 Minutes. Minutes: In conjunction with the decision summaries of the recent meetings of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and a PowerPoint Presentation (copies of which are appended in the Minute Book), the Executive Leader Councillor S J Conboy presented an update on the activities of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA).
As part of the presentation, Council were reminded that the Bus precept had been agreed at the last Combined Authority meeting and that Members have been working with Officers at the Combined Authority to feed back the views and comments of District Council Members regarding bus services. These had included issues around the need for joined up services and reconfiguring the connectivity between some of these services.
The Council’s attention was then drawn to some of the specific improvements that were being investigated and were in development by the Combined Authority. Members were informed that representatives were also continuing to push for improvements across the rural areas of the District and to talk about whether a better hub and spoke model could be achieved.
Arising from the presentation, Councillor Gardener outlined the concerns being expressed by his residents at the recent increase in the Mayoral precept given the lack of public transport within the rural areas. He also raised a number of specific questions regarding the Ting service including the potential expansion of the areas served and its use for post 16 transport. In response to which, the Executive Leader reiterated that the Authority was trying to secure more public transport services within the rural areas. Whilst she agreed with his comments regarding post 16 transport, she was also mindful that some under 16s needed to use public services and that a Mayoral commitment had been made to offer a cheaper rate for younger people. Councillor Gardener was encouraged to discuss issues further with Combined Authority representatives outside of the meeting.
Having welcomed the inclusion of Fenstanton within the Huntingdonshire Strategy, Councillor C H Tevlin proposed that working groups should be established between authorities and wards to ensure that there is a joined up and linked approach to the provision of bus services. In response to which the Executive Leader reiterated that the need for a joined-up approach was important, and Councillor Tevlin was invited to provide any local intelligence to Councillor Davenport-Ray.
Councillor T D Alban took the opportunity to draw attention to the discrepancies with the bus services within his ward of Stilton, Folksworth and Washingley where some villages such as Stilton and Conington received a regular service, yet others like Holme received only one per week. The Executive Leader agreed to feed this information back. Information on nuances such as this was always of value.
Councillor J Neish commented on the absence of any information relating to the cost of buses at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on the Mayoral precept and questioned whether this had been forthcoming to the Board. He also commented on the timing of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee which met ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
OUTCOMES FROM COMMITTEES AND PANELS PDF 90 KB An opportunity for Members to raise any issues or ask questions arising from recent meetings of the Council’s Committees and Panels.
A list of meetings held since the last Council meeting is attached for information and Members are requested to address their questions to Committee and Panel Chairs. Contact: 10 Minutes. Minutes: A copy of the list of meetings held since the last meeting of the Council held on 13th December 2023 is appended in the Minute Book and Members were advised that any issues or questions could be raised in relation to these meetings.
There were no issues arising. |
VARIATIONS TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES AND PANELS Group Leaders to report on variations to the Membership of Committees and Panels if necessary. Contact: 5 Minutes. Minutes: On the recommendation of Councillor S J Conboy, it was,
a) that Councillor L Davenport-Ray be appointed to the Employment Committee in place of Councillor M A Hassall; and
b) that Councillor M A Hassall be appointed to the Development Management Committee in place of Councillor L Davenport-Ray.
The Executive Leader also took the opportunity to put on record her thanks and appreciation to Councillor Hassall who had recently resigned from his position as a member of the Cabinet.
The meeting ended at 21.50.