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Annual Meeting of Committees
Appeals Panel
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority - Audit and Governance Committee
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority - Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Board
Cambridgeshire Horizons Board
Chair of Corporate Governance and Section 151 Officer
Corporate Governance Committee
Corporate Governance Panel
Council Tax Base
County "In your Patch"
Development Control Panel: changed to Development Management Panel - May 2009
Development Management Committee
Development Management Panel (Decommissioned 18/05/2016)
Elections Panel
Employment Committee
Employment Panel
Grants Panel
HDC Public Meetings Schedule - June 2010
Hinchingbrooke Country Park Joint Group
Hinchingbrooke Country Park Joint Liaison Group
Huntingdon Area Neighbourhood Forum
Huntingdon Leisure Centre Accounts Committee
Huntingdon Leisure Centre Management Committee: expired April 2009
Huntingdon Town Centre Partnership
Huntingdon Youth Forum
Huntingdonshire Flood Forum
Huntingdonshire Futures Grants Scheme
Huntingdonshire Strategic Partnership - Inclusive, Safe and Cohesive Communities Group
Huntingdonshire Strategic Partnership Board
Huntingdonshire Traffic Management Area Joint Committee
Joint Overview and Scrutiny Panel
LAA Board (Cambridgeshire Together)
LAA Joint Accountability Committee
Licensing and Protection Applications Sub-Group
Licensing and Protection Committee
Licensing and Protection Panel
Licensing and Protection Sub-Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
London-Luton Airport Working Group
Neighbourhood Management (Ramsey) Board Meeting
North West Huntingdonshire Neighbourhood Forum
One Leisure Huntingdon Sports Centre Joint Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Joint Panel
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Communities and Customers)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Communities and Environment)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Corporate and Strategic Framework): 2006-09 - transferred to Economic W
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Customers and Partnerships)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economic Well-Being)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Growth)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environment, Communities and Partnerships)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (External) transferred to Social Services & Resources in May 2002
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Finance and Performance)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Internal) - transferred to Planning Finance in May 2002
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Customers)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Performance and Growth)
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Planning and Finance): 2002-06 - transferred to Service Support
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery and Resources): 2002-06 - transferred to Service Deli
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery): 2006-09 - transferred to Social Well-Being
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Support): 2006-09 - transferred to Environmental Well-Being
Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Social Well-Being)
Ramsey Area Neighbourhood Forum
Ramsey Area Partnership
Ramsey Leisure Centre Accounts Committee
Ramsey Leisure Centre Management Committee: expired April 2009
Ramsey Youth Forum
Referrals (Assessment) Sub Committee
Review Sub Committee
Reviews of Complaints by Independent Person
Sawtry Leisure Centre Accounts Committee
Sawtry Leisure Centre Management Committee: expired April 2009
Senior Officers Committee
Senior Officers Committee Independent Panel
Senior Officers Panel
Shadow Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
St Ives Neighbourhood Forum
St Ivo Leisure Centre Accounts Committee
St Ivo Leisure Centre Management Committee: expired April 2009
St Neots Conservation Area Partnership Panel
St Neots Leisure Centre Accounts Committee
St Neots Leisure Centre Management Committee: expired April 2009
St Neots Neighbourhood Forum
St. Neots Connect 2
Standards (Consideration & Hearing) Sub-Committee
Standards (Hearings) Sub-Committee
Standards Committee
Tree Preservation Orders Sub-Group
Between dates
e.g. 04/12/2024
end date e.g. 04/12/2024
e.g. 04/12/2024
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Godmanchester & Hemingford Abbots
Great Paxton
Great Staughton
Hemingford Grey & Houghton
Huntingdon East
Huntingdon North
St Ives East
St Ives South
St Ives West
St Neots East
St Neots Eatons
St Neots Eynesbury
St Neots Priory Park & Little Paxton
Stilton, Folksworth & Washingley
The Stukeleys