To consider a report by the Head of Administration in conjunction with the Report of the Elections Panel – Item No. 6 (k).
By way of a report by the Head of Administration (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), Councillor D Harty, Chairman of the Elections Panel presented the outcome of an exercise to review the electoral arrangements in the parishes of Huntingdonshire which had commenced in December 2006. An additional paper containing proposed amendments to Annexes A and B of the report now submitted was circulated at the meeting (a copy of which also is appended in the Minute Book).
Councillor Harty added that since the last review in 1980, the population of the District had increased to around 160,000 and was forecast to grow to 163,700 by 2011. This growth had been taken into account in ensuring that parish arrangements continued to reflect local identities as communities had expanded. Councillor Harty also made reference to the Appendix and a summary of representations received from parishes including comments on a new scale of parish council representation. Having drawn the Council’s attention to the draft recommendations to be made to the Secretary of State and to the Electoral Commission on the consequential electoral arrangements, Councillor Harty thanked Members and Officers for their contributions and support in undertaking the review.
Councillor M G Baker, expressed his appreciation to Councillor Harty and the Elections Panel for their attention to detail and willingness to receive the representations made by the parishes and, in particular, those in his ward.
In response to a question from Councillor Mrs B E Boddington, Councillor Harty explained that alterations to parish electoral arrangements and the grouping of parishes under a common parish council, provided there were no changes to a County or District ward boundary, could be dealt with reasonably quickly by Order. However, Orders to implement changes that affected upper tier council boundaries would have to made by the Secretary of State on the recommendation of the Boundary Commission and this process might take some time. Further to a question from Councillor G S E Thorpe, Councillor Harty indicated that it was the intention of the Panel to consider the issue of multi-Councillor wards and the position of the towns in due course.
Regarding the proposed amalgamation of the parishes of Steeple Gidding and Hamerton to create a combined parish, Councillor Harty indicated his support for a suggestion from Councillor J E Garner that the new Parish should be entitled Hamerton and Steeple Gidding Parish Council.
The recommendations in paragraph 8.1 of the report having been moved and seconded, it was
(a) that the new scale of parish council representation as outlined in paragraph 5.3 of the report now submitted be approved;
(b) that the final recommendations for changes to parish electoral arrangements as detailed in Annex A (as amended by the paper circulated at the meeting) enabling the Council to implement these changes by Order at the next scheduled parish elections, be approved;
(c) that the proposal to invite the parishes of Buckden and Diddington to group under a common Parish Council be supported; and
(d) that the final recommendations for changes to parish boundaries and electoral arrangements as detailed at Annex B (as amended by the paper circulated at the meeting) be approved for submission to the Secretary of State and the Electoral Commission.
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