Councillor L M Simpson, Deputy Leader and Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet presented the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 26th June, 17th July and 4th September 2008.
Councillor T V Rogers, Executive Councillor for Finance and Environment presented the report and recommendations referred to in Item No. 21. In response to questions from Councillors W T Clough and G S E Thorpe, Councillor Rogers replied that the Council was able to project it’s financial forecast for the next 15 years by drawing on Government advice and by estimating Council Tax and reserve levels over that period. He added that revenue reserves would exceed the recommended minimal level of £3 million due to the receipt of grants but that these would not necessarily recur on an annual basis.
On the same subject, Councillor P L E Bucknell reported that the District Council had allocated 23,000 bus passes to date but that the precise additional cost implications associated with concessionary fares still was not available.
On the same subject and having offered his compliments to the staff of the Financial Services Division on the format and the content of the report, Councillor P J Downes questioned whether it was appropriate to anticipate the changes that might occur in local government finance if there were to be a change of Government in 2010. Whilst, there had been little indication thus far of the direction of policies under an alternative administration, Councillor Rogers replied that the Council would be advised accordingly as policy changes emerged.
The Council, having noted the contributions made to the process by the Overview and Scrutiny Panels and by the Executive Councillor, on being put to the vote, the recommendation contained in Item No. 21 was declared to be CARRIED.
In connection with Item No. 22, Councillor A Hansard, Executive Councillor for Policy and Resources, presented the Huntingdonshire Sustainable Community Strategy, adding that the Strategy had been subject to rigorous consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Panels, partners and stakeholders.
On the same subject and in response to a question from Councillor P J Downes on the mechanism to be established for delivery of the strategic themes, the Executive Councillor replied that the Strategy would be subject to quarterly and annual reviews and that he would reply to the questioner in greater detail after the meeting.
On the same subject, the Executive Councillor noted the suggestion made by Councillor J E Garner that the Strategy also should focus attention on the rural communities. Whereupon, on being put to the vote, the recommendation contained in Item No. 22 was declared to be CARRIED.
In connection with Item No. 25 and having been reminded by Councillor Mrs M Banerjee of the difficulties currently experienced by vulnerable, old and disabled people in the District as a result of delays to occupational therapy assessments, the Deputy Leader, Councillor Simpson, acknowledged that the issue would be investigated by a group appointed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) which was to commence its study in October.
In connection with Item No. 28 and in response to a question from Councillor P J Downes, the Deputy Leader, Councillor Simpson, replied that it was his understanding that sufficient funding now had been made available to enable an accident safety scheme to improve the junction of the A141 and Kings Ripton Road in Huntingdon to proceed in the New Year.
In connection with Item No. 29 and in response to a question from Councillor G S E Thorpe, the Deputy Leader, Councillor Simpson, replied that he too had welcomed the suggestion of a County-wide forum to investigate the issue of heavy goods vehicle parking on the trunk road network throughout the District and that he was hopeful of some progress in developing suitable HGV sites for parking in the short rather than the longer term.
In connection with Item No. 30 and in response to a question from Councillor W T Clough, Councillor T V Rogers, Executive Councillor for Finance and Environment, confirmed that a total net saving of £2.5 million had been achieved in 2007/08 compared with the original revenue budget.
In connection with Item No. 33 and in response to a question from Councillor W T Clough, the Deputy Leader, Councillor Simpson, reported that the Director of Commerce and Technology currently was negotiating with three providers in respect of the project to raise sponsorship and advertising revenues from the Council’s website and that he would hope to be in a position to report on progress in the near future.
In connection with Item No. 34 and in response to a question from Councillor G S E Thorpe, the Deputy Leader, Councillor Simpson, undertook to investigate the questioner’s assertion that the town Councils in the District had supported the introduction of a Parish Charter in Huntingdonshire.
In connection with Item No. 35 and in response to a question from Councillor P J Downes, the Deputy Leader, Councillor Simpson, assured the Councillor that he would consider the possibility should opportunities arise, of sub-letting space within the shortly to be completed new headquarters buildings.
On the same subject and in response to a question from Councillor J S Watt, Councillor Simpson undertook to advise the questioner, in writing, of the precise changes to the layout of the ground floor of the new building.
In connection with Item No. 39 and in response to questions from Councillors K Churchill and J E Garner, the Deputy Leader, Councillor Simpson, noted the support indicated for the process to identify the need for sports provision in St Neots and the views expressed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) in terms of the provision of facilities for minor sports such as hockey.
In connection with Item No. 40 and in response to a question from Councillor P J Downes, Councillor K Churchill, Special Adviser to the Cabinet, reported that the Working Group appointed to review the Council’s democratic structure would consider performance management and the preparation of job descriptions for Members.
Whereupon, it was
that, subject to the foregoing paragraphs, the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 26th June, 17th July and 4th September 2008 be received and adopted.
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