To consider a report by the Head of Administration and the General Manager, Leisure Centres summarising proposals to change the way in which the joint provision leisure centres are managed and funded in the future.
Contact:R Reeves 388003
Endorsed the proposals contained in the report for the future management and funding arrangements for the leisure centres at St. Ivo, Huntingdon, St. Neots, Ramsey and Sawtry;
agreed that responsibility for the leisure centres be undertaken by the District Council with effect from the new financial year;
agreed to wind up the existing five management committees with effect from the end of the current financial year;
approved the establishment of an active leisure forum, in accordance with the terms of reference set out in the Annex to the report, and that Huntingdon Town Council be awarded one representative on that forum;
agreed that the existing management agreements be substituted by new agreements to be approved by the County Council and the individual secondary school governing bodies, plus an amendment to the lease of Huntingdon Sports Hall and that the Head of Administration be authorised to determine the final content of the agreement, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Leisure and the General Manager, Leisure; and
requested that future levels of performance for the Centres be reported to Cabinet on a 6 monthly basis.
A joint report by the Head of Administration and the General Manager, Leisure Centres (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) was submitted detailing proposals to change the way in which the District's five joint provision leisure centres are managed and funded in the future. The report had been submitted to the Leisure Centre Management Committees.
It was reported that the proposals would bring to an end the existing joint provision arrangements for the leisure centres in Huntingdonshire which have been in existence for many years. Executive Councillors were advised that proposed changes to the governance and funding arrangements for schools and the increasing specialisation and co-ordination of service delivery to avoid duplication and secure efficiencies at the centres had resulted in the present funding and governance arrangements becoming outdated. With effect from the September 2009 schools would be charged directly for their use of the Centres, the cost of maintenance and repairs would continue to be shared by the County Council based on the percentage of educational usage of the facilities.
In future, responsibility for the day to day management of the Centres would become the responsibility of the District Council's Cabinet, but in order to ensure continued dialogue between the district, the county council and the school governing bodies, a new body, the Active Leisure Forum, was being proposed. As part of the proposals, a Councillor within the notional catchment area of each centre would become the "advocate" for that centre, representing community interests and becoming the person to whom the manager and his staff would turn in the first instance for member support. With regard to membership of the forum, Members’ attention was drawn to the contents of the lease between the District Council and the Town for the occupation of the sports hall at Huntingdon which contained provision for a management committee on which the Town is entitled to two voting representatives. Having considered the views of the Town Council on the matter, Executive Councillors felt that a place on the new forum should be made available to them.
With regard to the cost implications of the proposals, Executive Councillors were advised that the changes would achieve financial savings, as separate accounts and audit would no longer be required for each centre and resources employed in servicing the Committees could be redirected to support other priorities. In considering the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) on the proposals, Members felt it would be appropriate to award forum meetings a notice period of 14 days. Having discussed reporting arrangements for the forum, the Cabinet
(a) that the proposals contained in the report now submitted for the future management and funding arrangements for the leisure centres at St. Ivo, Huntingdon, St. Neots, Ramsey and Sawtry be endorsed;
(b) that responsibility for the leisure centres be undertaken by the District Council with effect from the new financial year;
(c) that the existing five management committees be wound up with effect from the end of the current financial year;
(d) that an active leisure forum be established in accordance with the terms of reference set out in the Annex to the report now submitted and Huntingdon Town Council be awarded one representative on that forum;
(e) that the existing management agreements be substituted by new agreements to be agreed by the County Council and the individual secondary school governing bodies, plus an amendment to the lease of Huntingdon Sports Hall and that the Head of Administration be authorised to determine the final content of the agreement, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Leisure and the General Manager, Leisure; and
(f) that future levels of performance for the Centres be reported to Cabinet on a 6 monthly basis.
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