Councillor I C Bates, Leader and Chairman of the Cabinet presented the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 22nd April, 19th May and 17th June 2010.
In connection with Item No. 2 and in response to a question from Councillor P J Downes regarding the cost implications of the Cabinet’s decision which suggested that the provision and management of play facilities should be undertaken at a local level by town and parish councils and community associations, Councillor Bates undertook to respond in writing to the questioner and to confirm whether relevant parish councils had been informed of this decision in view of the effect that this might have on the level of their precept in the following financial year.
In connection with Item No. 6 and in response to a question from Councillor S J Criswell regarding the action to be taken by the Cabinet to respond to the challenges posed by the requirement for budget cuts, Councillor Bates referred to a statement which Councillor T V Rogers, Executive Councillor for Finance & Customer Services was shortly to make to the Council. However, he prefaced this presentation by remarking that, of the £6.2 billion of cuts announced by the Government, some £2.6 billion was required to be funded by local government which would inevitably have an impact on the services provided by the District Council. Although welcoming the abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies and Regional Development Agencies, Councillor Bates suggested that their functions could become the District Council’s responsibility presenting an even greater challenge if they were to be resourced and managed properly.
Councillor T V Rogers, Executive Councillor for Finance & Customer Services made a statement to the Council on the Council’s financial position. He commenced by referring to the efficiency measures and savings totalling £1.6m which had already been secured and drew attention to the £5m in savings yet to be identified over the next three years. Against this background, Councillor Rogers proposed the following objectives and measures -
¨ restructuring of senior management;
¨ rationalisation of employees;
¨ comprehensive review of the Council’s pay scheme;
¨ further use of shared services;
¨ improved income generated by Leisure Centres;
¨ further savings and efficiencies;
¨ re-shaping services;
¨ reduction in the use of consultants;
¨ greater partnership working;
¨ curtailment of the Capital Programme; and
¨ possible increases in Council Tax in future years.
Councillor Rogers anticipated that these measures could generate potential savings in the region of £7m adding that these proposals would form the basis of extensive consultation with partners, other local authorities and organisations, employees, trade unions and the public via a questionnaire which was currently under construction. In concluding, Councillor Rogers urged the Council to rise to the challenge while continuing to provide good quality services.
Councillor Downes thanked Councillor Rogers for the information that he had conveyed.
In connection with Item No. 10 and in response to a question from Councillor G S E Thorpe, Councillor Bates acknowledged the questioner’s appreciation of the transfer of land at Cemetery Road, St Neots to St Neots Town Council for the purpose of a burial ground.
In connection with Item No. 11 and in response to a question from Councillor P J Downes regarding the impact of the delay in the scheme for improvements to the A14 on the Huntingdon western link road, Councillor D B Dew, Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy & Transport confirmed that the link road project would continue as planned.
On the same subject and in respond to a question from Councillor M F Shellens, Councillor Bates confirmed that as funding for the link road scheme would still be forthcoming from Cambridgeshire Horizons and Section 106 Agreements it should continue to proceed as planned.
In connection with Item No. 13 and in response to a question from Councillor P J Downes regarding the potential performance of funds in 2010/11, Councillor Rogers replied that he was unable to recall the current position but could confirm that income had exceeded borrowing and that the Council would continue to seek to achieve the best return available from its investments.
Accordingly, upon being put to the vote, the recommendation contained in Item No. 13 was declared to be CARRIED.
In connection with Item No. 16 and in response to a question from Councillor D Harty regarding the opportunity for users of Leisure Centres to enjoy free parking whilst those visiting the riverside park in St Neots could not, Councillor Bates explained that the car parks at Leisure Centres were located on land in the ownership of Cambridgeshire County Council and therefore the District Council had no control over the question of charging for their use.
On the same subject and in response to a question from Councillor R S Farrer, Councillor D B Dew, Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy & Transport undertook to respond to the questioner in writing to explain how use of the thirty eight spaces, which would remain free of charge for two hours in the riverside car park, St Neots would be monitored and enforced and the estimated cost of this management regime. He added that he would copy his reply to all Members.
On the same subject and in response to questions from Councillors S M Van de Kerkhove and G S E Thorpe, Councillor Bates undertook to respond to both questioners in writing with regard to the potential effect, if any, of car parking charges on trade and foot fall in St Neots, the potential displacement of parking to other sites and how he believed that charging for car parking would not adversely affect the vibrancy and vitality of St Neots town centre.
Whereupon, it was
that subject to the foregoing paragraphs, the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 22nd April, 19th May and 17th June 2010 be received and adopted.
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