To receive a joint report from the Heads of Housing and Planning Services on the Cambridgeshire Local Investment Plan.
20 Minutes.
Contact:S Plant 388240 S Ingram 388400
(Councillor D B Dew, Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy and Transport was in attendance for consideration of this item).
With the aid of a joint report by the Heads of Housing Services and of Planning Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Panel gave consideration to the draft Cambridgeshire Local Investment Plan (CLIP) on which the Council had been consulted. The Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy and Transport informed the Panel of the background to the Plan, which had been prepared for submission to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) by Cambridgeshire Horizons in conjunction with Cambridgeshire local authorities. The Plan was intended to facilitate the delivery of investment in a range of housing, infrastructure, regeneration and community activities taking into account locally determined priorities and a number of existing Countywide strategies and plans. It identified investment needs across Cambridgeshire and would primarily be used as evidence to support bids to draw external funding into the area.
With regard to the complex structure of partnerships that existed across the County, the Panel was informed that the establishment of a Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) would assist with streamlining the current framework as well as with promoting the adoption of cross boundary working practices. While some Members were of the view that the funds allocated by the HCA should be devolved to local authorities, others argued that there were advantages to undertaking co-ordinated work on a geographical basis greater than that covered by individual local authorities. In noting that, as a result of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review, the HCA’s funding would be reduced by 50%, Members acknowledged the importance of the CLIP in enabling the Council effectively to compete for financial resources. In addition, the Panel drew attention to potential problems associated with variations in boundaries according to the context and level of activity.
The Panel discussed the local road network infrastructure and expressed concern at the way upgrades or improvements to the A14, A428 and the A1 were being prioritised. The implications of this in encouraging housing and economic growth also were considered. Members were of the opinion that the road network infrastructure should be viewed in the national context. Having specific regard to the A428, the Panel were advised that work to compile a Master Plan for the St Neots area would be undertaken in the future in conjunction with the Highways Agency and East Coast Mainline Rail Services. The Panel also highlighted the need to upgrade the A14 as it played a significant part in the road network infrastructure on the local, national and European levels.
In response to a question on the targets contained in the Plan for the completion of housing schemes in Huntingdonshire scheduled for 2010/11 to 2013/14, Members were informed that the purpose of the HCA was the delivery of affordable housing. The Panel suggested that a more realistic approach should be adopted given that the figures presented were considered to be low. The reliability of the data generally presented by the County Council contained within the CLIP in respect of population projections for the District was also questioned and Members suggested that the data employed should be updated.
At the conclusion of the discussion the Panel requested that a further report was submitted to a future meeting on the implications of the CLIP for local housing, including the potential shortfalls in the delivery of affordable housing within the District. Whereupon, it was
that subject to the comments outlined above, the Cambridgeshire Local Investment Plan be endorsed for submission to the Cabinet.
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