To receive a report by the Head of Democratic and Central Services inviting the Panel to consider how they will take forward their investigations into the Voluntary Sector in Huntingdonshire.
20 Minutes.
Contact:A Roberts 388015
(Councillor T V Rogers, Executive Councillor for Finance and Customer Services, was in attendance for consideration of this item).
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Democratic and Central Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Panel gave consideration to how they would carry out their investigations into the voluntary sector in Huntingdonshire.
Having welcomed Mrs J Farrow, Chief Executive of Hunts Forum of Voluntary Organisations and Mrs P Shaw, Manager of Huntingdonshire Volunteer Centre, the Chairman indicated that the focus of the Panel’s investigations should be to achieve greater understanding of the voluntary sector and to identify alternative ways of supporting the sector. The Council’s budget plans would not have an impact for another two years so the study should seek to establish information that would facilitate future financial planning rather than look at budget considerations at the present time.
The Panel discussed a number of matters, which included the structure of the voluntary sector, community engagement, whether there was duplication in the delivery of services and alternative funding sources. Members were advised that the Hunts Forum of Voluntary Organisations acted primarily as a liaison vehicle between all voluntary organisations and the Council and its Partners, including the County and Town Councils. They were also informed that effective communication channels had already been established with both voluntary organisations and the community. Having regard to the structure of the voluntary sector, Mrs Farrow reminded Members that a number of organisations were registered charities and that this should be borne in mind during the Panel’s deliberations. In response, it was confirmed that the Panel would not be examining individual organisations but that opportunities for sharing resources with a view to identifying efficiencies would be explored.
The Panel discussed the impact of Localism and the Big Society on the voluntary sector. Particular mention was made of the suggestion that volunteers would be expected to take on enhanced roles within the community. Having noted that it would not be appropriate to hold volunteers to account for their work, Members commented on the differences between paid staff and volunteers. In so doing, they accepted that paid employees would be required to manage the work of volunteers. This would mean that their knowledge and experience of the voluntary sector would be retained.
Other matters that were discussed included the Third Sector Assembly event, partnership working with neighbouring voluntary sector organisations within the County, the availability of national funding, the social return on investment methodology and the impact of recent developments on smaller charities.
The Executive Councillor for Finance and Customer Services drew Members’ attention to the strategic links between the new Council Plan and the activities of voluntary organisations and the need for the Council to enter into discussions with its Partners on the future of the voluntary sector. The Executive Councillor also expressed the view that it would have been beneficial for interested Officers to have been present at the meeting as a review was currently being undertaken into the Council’s budgetary proposals relating to the voluntary sector in future years.
In discussing further potential areas of duplication in voluntary sector activities, Mrs Farrow undertook to provide the Panel with a list of meetings that she was currently required to attend under the Forum’s existing commissioning agreements with the County and District Councils.
Owing to the extent of the detailed work that would be required, the Panel decided to establish a Working Group to carrying out the necessary investigations. Mrs Farrow and Mrs Shaw both offered their assistance to the Working Group. Mrs Farrow also drew the Panel’s attention to a meeting that had been scheduled with District Council Officers to be held the following week.
that Councillors S Cawley, Mrs K E Cooper, P G Mitchell and R J West, together with Mrs M Nicholas, be appointed onto a Working Group to investigate the social value of the functions performed by the voluntary groups that have Service Level Agreements with the Council.
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