To consider a report by the Head of Housing Services on the possible introduction of charges on properties adapted through Disabled Facilities Grants.
Contact:S Plant 388240
(Councillor N J Guyatt, Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning and Housing, was in attendance for this item).
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Housing Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Panel considered a proposal to impose charges on properties in certain circumstances which had been adapted with Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs).
Councillor N J Guyatt reminded Members that they had previously supported a supplementary capital estimate of £1.116m for DFGS to avoid delays in applicants receiving adaptations to their homes. He went on to explain that the current proposal would enable the Council to impose a limited charge on adapted properties if they were sold within ten years and if the grant was for more than £5k. In his view, given its current financial position, the Council was under an obligation to recoup this money. Members noted that repayments could only be sought in respect of properties that were occupied by their owners. It would not be possible to impose charges on properties owned by Registered Social Landlords. However, it was anticipated that Landlords would manage their housing stock to ensure that tenants who required adaptations were allocated properties that had already been adapted in a way that met their needs, thus reducing future demand for new Grants.
Members’ attention was drawn to the criteria that the Council would consider when determining whether to seek repayments. They went on to discuss a number of matters including the likely impact of the proposals on property values, the cost of imposing charges and the length of time occupiers might remain in their properties. With regard to the costs associated with the proposals, Members were informed that investigations were currently being undertaken into what was the most appropriate route for levying charges on properties in terms of the processes, risks, costs and time-scale involved. In response to a question as to whether there would be a sliding scale for repayments according to the length of time that had expired since the grant was made, Members were informed that if a property was sold within a ten year period the full amount would be claimed up to a maximum limit of £10,000.
Members referred to the limited funding which was provided by Central Government for DFGs. It was suggested that the Council, in conjunction with other authorities in the region, should make representations to Government requesting additional support. It was further suggested that the maximum amount that could be reclaimed by local authorities had been capped at £10,000 for several years and that representations should also be made that this figure should be index linked. Whereupon, it was
that the Cabinet be recommended to
a) agree that charges be placed on properties where owner occupiers receive a disabled facilities grant in excess of £10,000 (excluding HIA fees) where the grant is for a garage or outbuilding conversion, or extension or any combination of these;
b) agree that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services together with the Head of Housing Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Housing, should determine the most effective and efficient procedure for placing charges on properties; and
c) delegate authority to decide on seeking repayment, as set out at paragraph 2.5 of the report now submitted, to the Head of Housing Services.
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