With the assistance of a report by the One Leisure General Manager, to consider the quarterly reports for
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Authorised the General Manager (One Leisure), in consultation with the Head of Paid Service, to achieve the level of savings identified in option 2 of the report, as part of the wider Business Plan.
By way of a report by the General Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Annex to the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered the contents of a proposed Business Plan for One Leisure. The report which included options for improving the centres cost effectiveness had been considered also by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economic Well-Being) whose comments were relayed to the Cabinet.
In discussing the financial summary, Executive Councillors were of the opinion that the focus should remain on controllable net expenditure. Furthermore, they emphasised the need to ensure that the practice of recharging between services was equitable across the Council. Members also questioned why forecast revenue returns for One Leisure Huntingdon were significantly lower than those for One Leisure St Neots and St Ives. In response to which the General Manager, One Leisure, explained that the level of investment at One Leisure Huntingdon had been considerably lower than the other centres and the fitness studio, spa and pool were smaller. He added that expansion of the Centre was limited partly due to land ownership issues.
In concluding their discussions, Executive Councillors acknowledged the steps being taken to improve controllable income and expenditure and thanked all those involved. Having noted that information on the Plan’s progress would be submitted to future meetings, the Cabinet
that the General Manager (One Leisure), in consultation with the Head of Paid Service, be authorised to achieve a level of savings of the order of £250,000 as part of the wider Business Plan and in accordance with appropriate consultation procedures.
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