To receive a report from the Head of Operations detailing the outcome of a review of Grounds Maintenance – TO FOLLOW.
Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economic Well-Being) have been invited to attend and partake in the discussion on this item.
Contact:E Kendall 388635
(Councillor D M Tysoe, Executive Member for Environment, was in attendance for consideration of this item).
With the aid of a report prepared by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), the Panel gave consideration to the first stage of a review of grounds maintenance service standards. By way of background, the Executive Member for Environment reported that the Cabinet had been tasked with identifying £2 million of savings and that this was one area in which it was felt that savings could be achieved.
The Head of Operations reported on the range of work being undertaken by the Grounds Maintenance Team and the current service standards provided. It was noted that service changes and a reduction in service standards had previously been introduced in 2011 following an earlier review. Members of the Panel were therefore provided with an opportunity to comment on the service standards prior to any consideration being given to service delivery options.
It was reported that owing to the complexity of the way in which the service operated, a reduction in cost would not necessarily be achieved by reducing service standards. Service reductions relating to grass cutting could potentially result in an increased level of spend elsewhere within the service and an increase in the risk of claims being made against the Council. Members concurred with the view that the standards for grass cutting should be retained at the current levels.
An explanation was then delivered of the duties placed on the Council to maintain open spaces and, in particular, closed churchyards. Having regard to the latter, it was reported that town and parish councils could serve statutory notices upon the District Council to undertake this work. However, attempts were being made to work in conjunction with the town and parish councils to rationalise all grounds maintenance. The Panel also received an update on the latest position with regard to the existing County Council and Luminus contracts.
The Panel suggested that there was a need to educate residents on the effects of littering and that the Council should work with local “Friends of the Park” groups to discourage littering in their areas. Following discussion on the Council’s strategic approach to the service, Panel Members put forward a further suggestion that the opportunities presented by outsourcing the service, or alternatively undertaking more work on behalf of town and parish councils or other local authority areas, should be explored.
It was reported that the District was likely to continue to obtain open space in developments through S106 Agreements. However, Members were informed that the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy raised doubts about whether funding would be available for their maintenance. Even if funding was forthcoming, such agreements were usually time limited and the Council would eventually become responsible for their maintenance. This would put further pressure on the service.
A report on the opportunities to achieve savings in respect of litter picking would be submitted to the Panel in the autumn. Other suggestions for savings made by the Panel included the use of growth inhibitors and the introduction of a single grounds maintenance service for town parks, small areas of amenity land, the leisure centres and the country parks. The latter might result in efficiencies through joint working such as the effective utilisation of equipment. The Executive Councillor for Environment undertook to investigate these matters once senior management’s plans for savings had been published.
In his concluding remarks, the Executive Councillor for Environment thanked the Panel for their views and contributions.
(a) that further work be undertaken to investigate the potential for making savings from reducing the level of litter picking and from the Panel’s other suggestions relating to the operational practices and organisation of grounds maintenance; and
(b) that the remaining service standards, including grass cutting, be retained as set out in the report now submitted.
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