To consider a report by the Economic Development Manager.
Contact:Mrs S Bedlow 387096
(Councillor T D Sanderson, Executive Councillor for Strategic Development and Legal, was in attendance for this item).
With the assistance of a report by the Economic Development Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), the Panel considered the contents of the draft Huntingdonshire Economic Growth Plan 2013 to 2023. The Plan set out a vision for Huntingdonshire and aimed to deliver economic growth by focusing on achieving a set of key ambitions called the ‘2023 Objectives’.
Members were reminded that an economic assessment had been undertaken in 2012 to provide an evidence base for the Economic Growth Plan and the new Local Plan. This was the first time that a shared evidence base had been used to prepare these documents and Members were reminded that a presentation on the outcome of the assessment had been given to their November 2012 meeting. Members’ attention was then drawn to the eight action priorities which had emerged from the economic assessment, which had subsequently formed the basis of the Growth Plan. A number of challenges had also been identified through the assessment process. These were outlined in Section 2.1 of the report and included a reduction in the proportion of the people who are of working age and the polarisation of the business base in Huntingdonshire.
Members were advised that the Economic Growth Plan contained three main themes: People, Place and Business. Their attention was drawn to a number of the key actions to demonstrate the variety of ways in which work was undertaken to deliver economic growth within the District. These included a District-wide approach to careers advice and apprenticeships and the delivery of strategic development and housing. Following the approval of the Economic Growth Plan, an action plan would be prepared through which the aims identified within the Plan would be delivered.
In considering the contents of the report, Members recognised the importance of the Economic Growth Plan for the District and for the Council and commended the work which had been undertaken to prepare it. The view was expressed that the Council should make adequate resources available to ensure the actions associated with it were delivered.
In response to Members’ concerns that the Plan appeared to contain few references to rural areas, the Panel was reminded that it was based upon the current assets within Huntingdonshire and that the Enterprise Zone was the best opportunity the District had to raise its profile at a national level. It was explained that the successful development of key strategic sites should produce a ‘trickle down’ effect from economic activity centres to rural areas. Members were of the opinion that a more explicit explanation of this effect should be provided. With regard to specific comments relating to the Industrial Estate in Warboys and the plans for its extension, it was agreed that this should be taken up by the local Member with Planning Officers.
The Panel was of the opinion that the Growth Vision should be more ambitious. Members recommended that it should be amended to refer to Huntingdonshire as being one of the best places to live in England. It was also suggested that this should form the Vision for the entire District Council. This would necessitate a change to the Council’s Leadership Direction.
Members made a number of suggestions relating to the content of the draft Plan. These included the need to avoid the repetition of the Vision on the first page, provide contact details for interested parties who wished to contact the Council, remove the picture of the Silvaco premises and improve the closing paragraph so that it was more dynamic and contained links back to the opening vision. Members also expressed the view that the wording in parts of the document could be more positive, in particular reference was made to page 7 of the document. In this respect, the Panel was reminded that marketing materials would be developed at a later date, which would address most of these suggestions.
Councillor P D Reeve questioned whether the ability to achieve economic growth through housing growth had been overemphasised, whether there was sufficient emphasis on infrastructure and the drivers of tourism and the absence of any reference to attracting a greater number small to medium sized enterprises to the area. He also suggested that there should be a stronger focus on the market towns and the Great Fen and that the Plan appeared to emulate the activities which were taking place in the surrounding areas. With regard to the latter, the Economic Development Manager explained that the opportunity had been taken to complement the innovation and research which was emerging from the Cambridge cluster.
In response to a number of questions from Panel Members, information was provided on a range of matters including the reasons for the reduction in the ‘labour pool’ and the ways in which university capability might be enticed into the area. An explanation was also provided of those factors which differentiated the ‘Huntingdonshire offer’ from those of other areas and the Panel noted that the District already had in place partnerships to deliver the key actions which had been identified within the Plan. Whilst the cost of delivering the Plan had not been calculated over its 10 year lifespan, a number of actions would be completed by accessing various independent funding streams.
Following a question by a Member, the Panel was informed that the District Council had little influence on commercial rent levels. Members were mindful that as an area became successful, rental costs would inevitably rise. Having noted that an action plan had already been drafted and that a marketing plan was expected to be completed in the Spring, it was agreed that the Economic Development Manager should be invited to provide an update on progress to the Meeting in February 2014. Whereupon, it was
that the Cabinet be recommended to approve the draft Huntingdonshire Economic Growth Plan 2013 – 2023.
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